Chapter 2:

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Liv "mom is everything okay

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Liv "mom is everything okay. You've been off for a few days. Are you okay", Laura "I'm fine baby, I promise", Liv "mom seriously are you okay", Laura "yes I'm fine", Laura got the urge to puke and she ran over to the garbage can and puked. Laura "oh my goodness, not this again", Liv "mom what's going on", Laura "baby please, I am fine. I've just been feeling sick", Liv "but could there be a reason why you are puking", Laura "I'm not sure Liv", Liv "but mom there's gotta be something wrong", Laura "Liv I'm not discussing why I'm sick right now", Laura quickly threw the garbage out and then went upstairs to her room. Liv "Jordan", Jordan "yes", Liv "there's something wrong with mom. She's been puking", Jordan "what, why", Liv "I don't know. She won't tell me, and every time I ask her what could possibly be the cause she just dodges the question", Jordan "I think we should just give her some space", Liv "Jordan she gets space, every single day. Why can't she tell us what's going on", Jordan "Liv I think if she wants to tell us what's going on then she could tell us until then we should leave her alone and let her be. Whatever it is, it's probably hard for her to even say, so we need to just keep her space", Liv "okay", Layla "hey is everything okay", Jordan "yeah, shouldn't you be resting miss almost ready to pop", Layla "hey I still have things to do", Jordan "let me handle them for you. You're pregnant I don't want you to get hurt doing something you're not supposed to be doing", Layla "okay babe", Jordan "baby girl just go rest", Layla "okay", Laura started to puke again, this time worst than before, she was puking a lot.

Later that day

Liv "where's mom, is she okay", Jordan "she's sleeping", Liv "okay. Do you know if she's feeling any better", Jordan "I don't know I checked on her, gave her some water but she's alright for now", Liv "okay", Patience "hey Y'all, how was your day", Coop "good", Jordan "good", Liv "good", Layla "babe I need some water", Jordan "I'm coming", Laura started to puke again. Liv "she's puking again", Jordan "what's going on with her", Liv "I don't know. She keeps puking and it's obvious that she doesn't want us to know what's wrong with her", Coop "um guys. Who does this belong to", Jordan "are those pregnancy tests", Liv "yep that's exactly what it is", Jordan "I think we just figured out why mom's been puking, it's pretty obvious at this point right about now", Liv "should we confront her", Jordan "she's already sick, I don't think we should be confronting her. It's just gonna cause a lot of stress and that's the last thing she needs right now", Liv "okay", they had a movie night, and chilled for majority of the night.

(A few days have passed since Liv and Jordan found out that their mom is pregnant, and she still refuses to admit that she is, one thing is she's really scared to tell the truth)

Laura just got home from work, she had got some water and took slow sips from her cup, she turned Jordan and Liv staring right at her. Laura "what", Liv "mom is there something you need to tell us", Laura "no I don't have anything to say or tell you", Liv "are you sure", Jordan "Liv just leave it", Liv "are these yours", she said holding up the pregnancy tests, Laura "where did you find that", Liv "I didn't find it. Coop found it in the trash. Mom if you're pregnant now come you didn't want to tell us", Laura "because I was scared", Liv "scared of what", Laura "Liv please stop raising your voice at me, you wanna talk to me talk to me like a human being", Liv "okay I'm sorry. How come you didn't wanna tell us", Laura "because it was hard enough finding out myself. This baby is the last thing we did together, and now he's gone. I don't even know if I can do this, have the baby", Jordan "mom you know you can have the baby. Just because dad isn't here anymore does not mean you can't, you can do it", Laura "I'm scared do it, I'm gonna be do it alone", Liv "you aren't alone, and you aren't gonna be alone. You've got me, and Jordan, you're not doing this alone, we will go with you to every appointment, be by your side and when you give birth we will be right there by your side", Laura "are you sure", Liv "yes mom", Jordan "yes mom", the both of them got up hugging Laura. Laura "I love you both so very much", Liv "I love you too mom", Jordan "I love you too mom", Liv "do you know the gender of the baby, or do you not know", Laura "I don't know just yet, honestly I'm praying for a healthy baby, I could care less about the gender of the baby, but honestly I do want a little girl". Laura ended up going to the hospital just to confirm the pregnancy and get pictures of the ultrasound, she got a 3-d printer version of the ultrasound. Liv "hey mom, how'd it go", Laura "it was good, got something for you and Jordan to see. Is Layla and Spencer here, they could see to if they like".

Jordan "oh my gosh, this is the cutest picture ever", Liv "so tiny and so cute", Layla "JORDAN", Laura "Layla are you okay", Layla "NO, MY WATER BROKE", Laura "I'll start the car", Jordan rushed upstairs to his wife picking her up and carried her ...

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Jordan "oh my gosh, this is the cutest picture ever", Liv "so tiny and so cute", Layla "JORDAN", Laura "Layla are you okay", Layla "NO, MY WATER BROKE", Laura "I'll start the car", Jordan rushed upstairs to his wife picking her up and carried her out to the car. Laura "just breathe honey", Jordan "mom take the quickest route to the hospital", Laura "okay", Layla was crying and was in so much pain, Jordan tried his hardest to help his wife and console her. Laura pulled up to the hospital, Layla "can you stay too Laura", Laura "of course baby, I'm right here", Layla was taken to a room, Laura helped her change into a hospital gown, Laura walked around the room with Layla trying to find a way to help her deal with the pain, and Jordan went to get Layla some Gatorade and ice. Layla "I don't think I can do this", Laura "Layla, baby girl you can do this. I'm right here with you and so is Jordan, we're not going anywhere. You're not gonna do this alone", Layla screamed in pain, Laura "can we please get some epidural for her, immediately. Immediately, I am not gonna sit here and watch my daughter suffer, epidural right now", Laura was so demanding and the doctors knew she was not joking, Layla was given epidural, Laura held Layla's hand, Laura "you're gonna be okay baby, you're gonna be OK baby". Jordan finally got back, Layla took slow sips of her Gatorade, a few minutes later Layla started to push. Laura "you're doing so good honey", Jordan kissed his wife, Laura "come on baby girl, keep pushing. Keep pushing, you're doing so good my love", Layla cried and screamed as she continued to push. The baby's head slipped out, Layla was given a little break, Laura "you're doing so good my love, you're doing so good baby", she said kissing her head. Once Layla started pushing again, Layla screamed loudly due to the pain, Laura "come on Layla, keep going. Keep pushing baby, keep pushing baby, you're doing good", Jordan "she's right baby, you're going so good. You're doing so good", Laura "good girl, good girl. Keep going baby, keep going my love", Layla screamed in pain once again. Layla "I can't do it anymore, I can't do it", Laura "Layla you're not giving up on us baby, we're not gonna let that happen. Layla look at me my love, you're not gonna give up baby. I'm not gonna let you", Jordan "you're doing good baby, and I don't want you to give up on finally meeting our little one", Layla felt like she wanted to give up, but she listened to Laura and Jordan, the two of them convinced Layla to keep her head up and keep going. Layla kept pushing, she kept pushing, and eventually the baby slipped out, Laura kissed Layla on the head, Laura "I'm so proud of you baby girl, so proud of you", Jordan almost cried upon seeing his baby girl for the first time. Laura "I'm so proud of you", Layla smiled, instead of Jordan cutting the umbilical cord, Jordan passed the scissors to his mom, Laura "what are you doing", Jordan "we want you to cut her umbilical cord", Laura "are you sure", Layla "yes", Layla cut the umbilical cord.

@ laylakeatingbaker@ jordanbakerOur lives are forever changed

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@ laylakeatingbaker
@ jordanbaker
Our lives are forever changed.
Kennedy Lauralee Baker, we love you so much princess.

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