𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11 - 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱

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Kalpas sent you countless more messages, hoping you'd respond. But he only had one glimmer of hope left, much less than a crescent moon. Hopefully you'd respond. But the way things were going, and a week after of the incident, he wasn't expecting anything.

He deeply missed your kisses, your hugs, your smiles and laughter, and one main thing: you. He felt more hopeless as each day passed by without a word from you. Was your relationship over? He felt something churn in his stomach, and suddenly felt nauseous. Whatever he was eating, he couldn't stomach it any longer.

His throat felt constricted, like someone tried to squeeze all of the oxygen out of him. He instead poured a glass of water and drank, alleviating the pressure. He refused to call the relationship over. He wanted you, and he was going to make it up to you.

But what should I get her? He thought. She likes flowers, so maybe I should buy some for her. It's a small start, but it should lead to something bigger. So Kalpas went off to a flower boutique.


Well, you weren't sure how to kick this off. Where was Sakura at? You were uncertain where she usually resided. It would be too awkward to ask Kalpas... because you simply ignored his messages for almost a week straight.

Aponia urged you to talk it out with Sakura. But would Sakura really be willing since you tried to attack her? It was the built up fury inside you that exploded from reaching boiling point. That wasn't an excuse, though.

I should've asked Aponia where she is. You scanned the hallways of the MOTH base, usually people wandering around or walking to where they need to be. You should've just asked Kalpas.

But that seemed too troublesome. You ignored his messages for a week straight. What if your relationship was done for? The excuse was that you needed time to sort it out. Why Kalpas sided with Sakura, why he'd been friends with her and covertly hiding their friendship behind your back.

It arrived to the conclusion that revenge was simply not the solution, because you learned nothing from it nor gained anything.

I should go to Sakura's dorm. She might not be in her room at this hour, but it's worth a try. Aponia located her room for you. It was just right next to Aaliyah's dorm.

You knocked once. Twice. Thrice. "Hello?" But you received no answer.

Just as you were about to turn away from the door, a cheerful voice spoke. "Hello!" That didn't sound like Sakura... Am I at the wrong place?

You turned around to see a small girl with a high up pink ponytail, one part of her bangs tinted red. She had bright blue eyes so huge, they made her seem like she popped out of a cartoon show.

"Hi... do you live here? I'm looking for a woman named Sakura."

"Yes, that's my sister! She's currently in the bathroom."

"Oh." So her little sister has no clue that I exchanged blows with her older sister. "Could I wait here for a moment? I need to speak to her."

"Sure!" The little girl gestured you excitedly to come in. You sat down on the soft couch, which felt comfortable to sit.

"My name is Rin. What's yours?"

"It's Y/N. Rin, this place is quite cozy."

"Yes! So, are you friends with my sister? She doesn't talk a lot."

"I... friends?" You swiveled to Rin. Just what exactly made her think you and Sakura were friends?

"Yeah, friends! Nobody visits us, except for them. Once in a while, they come over and we eat and play."

"Sounds relaxing. Do you guys throw a party or...?"

"Nope, eating and playing is the party!"

"Fun. Rin, why is this blade lying down on the table?" You picked up the blue, frozen weapon. "This should be kept hidden in a sheath, not out-"

"Put. That. Down," Sakura warned you.

You slowly settled the sword down. "Hey, calm down, I'm not going to hurt your sister or you."

"What are you doing here?" Sakura demanded. She glared at her little sister. "Rin, I told you not to let anyone in."

"But Y/N seems a nice lady. She was looking for you. Nobody actually comes over often-"

"That's because I'm trying to protect you. I promised our mother and father that I'd take good care of you."

"Can you at least let her talk to you about something?" Rin frowned, her excitement evaporated and replaced with sadness. You felt a slight frown creep upon your face. I wonder what happened to their parents...

Sakura sighed and turned to you. "You. What do you want?"

"I... want to apologize for my inappropriate behavior from a week ago."

She stiffened, but her face slightly softened. Turning to her sister, she said, "Rin, go to your room, please."

"Okay!" She bounced off the couch, and gave you a quick smile before disappearing off into a room.

"So talk." Sakura crossed her arms and seated herself on the couch.

"I know what I did was terrible. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. I came here to be more... open minded and have a few questions to ask."

"Ask ahead," she nodded.

"Why did you kill the infected children at Sundown Alley? What did they do to you?"

"If I did something, it wouldn't be done without a reason. Those children had honkai infections and if they spread, it would cause irreversible damage to our world. I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to fulfill my duty ordered by the higher ups."

Huh?! The higher ups assigned her to this? You believed she was some crazy lunatic who could get away with heinous crimes and lived a poor life. It's still sad and hurtful though for the way it was done, even if some infections are deadly and contagious.

"Still, I wish it never happened. Using violence, even if it's for a valid reason, doesn't seem right in certain cases."

"...I'm sorry. I know how deeply the incident affected you, Kalpas, Aponia, and that other girl. I have a little sister, and it would hurt me to see her gone."

"I understand. I think we've cleared up any malign between us, right? So let's shake hands again and be friends." You stuck out your hand.

Sakura smiled and gently shook it. The moving on of the past obstacles and old grudges, and the new birth of a fond friendship with many memories and fun experiences to arrive.

Childhood Sweethearts - Kalpas x Female Reader (Honkai Impact 3rd) Where stories live. Discover now