Chapter 14: Camp

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After the intense moment between Y/N and Demitra, the two spent the rest of the evening together. Demitra gently cleaned Y/N's face, carefully wiping away the dried blood and disinfecting the cuts. Y/N winced occasionally, but Demitra's touch was tender, her hands steady. They didn't talk much, letting the silence between them speak volumes.

When Demitra finished, she stayed for a while longer, keeping Y/N company. They watched a movie together, something lighthearted to distract them from the heavy emotions of the day. As the credits rolled, Demitra eventually got up to leave. Y/N felt a pang of sadness she couldn't quite explain. She didn't want Demitra to go, but she didn't know how to say it.

"See you tomorrow, Y/N," Demitra said softly, giving her a warm smile.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with an unspoken longing. As the door closed behind Demitra, Y/N felt an emptiness settle in her chest. She wasn't sure why Demitra's departure left her feeling so hollow, but she pushed the thought aside and got ready for bed.


The next day, the school was buzzing with excitement. Students gathered in the hall for a final rundown of the trip's details. Y/N stood with Matt, Chris, Nick, Eli, Sunday, and Demitra, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. The trip had been a topic of conversation for days, and now it was finally happening.

The teachers went over the itinerary, safety rules, and tent assignments. Y/N's anxiety spiked when she remembered she'd be sharing a tent with Demitra, but a quick glance at her friend's reassuring smile calmed her slightly.

Finally, they were allowed to head to the buses. Matt, Chris, Nick, Eli, Sunday, Demitra, and Y/N made their way together, the group staying close-knit. Demitra stayed by Y/N's side, her presence a comforting anchor.

"Are we still sitting together?" Demitra asked, her voice soft.

Y/N nodded, stuttering slightly but managing a smile. "Y-yeah, of course."

They boarded the bus, finding seats near the middle. Y/N and Demitra took one row, with Sunday and Eli behind them, and Chris, Nick, and Matt in the row next to the girls. The bus rumbled to life, and they were off.

The trip was supposed to be around four hours, and the excitement in the air was palpable. Y/N tried to focus on the scenery flashing by outside the window, but her eyelids grew heavier with each passing mile. The gentle hum of the engine and the warmth of Demitra's presence beside her lulled her into a state of drowsiness.Hey come on , you barely slept last night . cut us some slack 😓

Eventually, Y/N's head lolled to the side, coming to rest on Demitra's shoulder. Demitra glanced down, a smile spreading across her face. After a while She adjusted slightly, trying to make herself as comfortable as possible without disturbing Y/N. She felt a warmth in her chest, a tenderness that made her heart ache in the best way.

Chris, Nick, and Matt noticed and grinned. Chris leaned over the seat, whispering to Demitra, "You know, Y/N only sleeps around people she's comfortable with."

Demitra's smile widened, her heart swelling with a mix of pride and affection. "Really?"

Matt nodded, his eyes soft. "Yeah. She must really trust you."

Demitra felt a surge of protectiveness wash over her.
"Thanks for telling me. I'll make sure she's okay."

The boys nodded, their smiles warm. They settled back into their seats, leaving Demitra to her thoughts. She glanced down at Y/N's peaceful face, her heart full. The trust Y/N placed in her was something precious, something she intended to honor and protect.

The rest of the bus ride passed in a blur of conversations and laughter. Y/N slept soundly, her head on Demitra's shoulder, oblivious to the world around her. And for the first time in a long while, Demitra felt a sense of purpose and belonging that made her heart feel light.

As they neared their destination, Demitra gently shook Y/N awake. "Hey, sleepyhead. We're almost there."

Y/N blinked groggily, lifting her head and looking around. "Oh, sorry. Did I fall asleep?" It took her a second to regain consciousness before realizing she fell asleep on demitra , after she did she immediately shot up and apolagised profusely to which demitra had to calm her down and eventually she did .


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