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You're so sweet 

I can't stop smiling that letter made me so happy and you shouldn't be afraid to talk to me.I'm not scary and I won't judge you. What is the point of me judging you if I'm already pretty weird myself huh?

You know I've always been curious about you, whenever you are doing you work sometimes I stare at you. You have such beautiful skin did you know that? I can tell that you're insecure, but you shouldn't be. 

You should be confident with yourself! let me tell you something, If I had to choose the prettiest girl in science class it would be you. You've got that curly hair of yours, and an amazing wardrobe. You always come in wearing something different each time, and you never wear the same outfit. You always come in with a pout, but it's not a sad one it's a cute one. Sometimes I see you smile and I can't help but smile because of how pleasant you look. 

Don't think you're the only one who pays attention to others around us because you aren't. I've noticed you from the first day you walked in, and I've been dying to talk to you since than. 

I'm so glad that you sent me that letter thanks babe



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