Chapter one

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I was in my room rushing about getting ready and daniel and nick would be picking me up soon.Me and daniel have been on and off since freshman year. the fights or breakups we had were always so petty but we were too stubborn to see that. and nick was daniel's bestfriend so after a while we and nick became close. i pulled my leopard print tank top over my head and put my black skirt and denim jacket on. i heard the horn of daniel's car beep, i ran a brush through my hair and shoved on my boots and ran downstairs. in my handbag i had a bottle of vodka, as we were going to this shitty nirvana wannabe concert. need to have something to make it fun, right ?
"BYE MOM, LOVE YOU" i yell
"when will you be home honey?" she says sweetly
"like midnight ?" i say
"alright honey be safe! tell daniel i say hi" she says. i nod, she has a sweet spot for daniel as we've been together for so long. their music was turned down to a hum. i shuffled down the porch, vodka bottles hidden in my bag and jumped into daniel's car into the front seat with daniel.
"hey, courtney love." daniel teased, becuase of your slightly mussed hair. nicknaming you after the grunge icon."what's in the bag?" he asked, turning in his seat. i hand him the bottle of vodka. nick let's out a low whistle. "damn, you came ready to party didn't you?" he remarks, snatching the bottle to admire it.
daniel glances at you in the passenger seat. his eyes trailing over your body, "your outfit looks good." "thank you" i say to him giving him a slightly teasing glance. "mhm" he hums, a smirk playing on his lips as he starts the car. we sit in relative silence, except from the hum of the radio of an occasional comment from nick. daniel glances at me every now and again, his eyes roaming over my body, resting on the exposed skin above my skirt. Nick catches his glances at me and laughs rolling his eyes "dude, c'mom"
Daniel gives nick a glare through the mirror and he breaks the silence "we're almost there" daniel tells me. His tongue darts out to lick across his bottom lip as he glances down at my thighs once again.His palms were pressed tightly against the steering wheel. i just nod in response looking ahead at the road, crossing my legs over upon one another. The abandoned tunnel comes into view, its dark - the only light is the cast from the car headlights and the moon above. we see all the people gathering around, talking- drinking- laughing. We all get out of the car walking along one another. Nick walks ahead of us greeting people and talking. Daniel walks closely behind me, his hands hovering around my waist. he leans in, speaking into my ear. "you look really good tonight." "hm i thought we aren't together right now ?" he lets out a laugh rolling his eyes slightly in a response to that remark. "what i can't compliment you?" he asks, feigned offence in his voice. he slings an arm over my shoulders.
"cmon be a good girl" he says
i roll my eyes playfully at his stupid remark
"hey-" he laughs as his grip tightens around me. he pulls me close, stopping me by the car. "don't give me attitude" he teases
"hm you deserve it" i say back
he laughs again, pushing me back lightly against the car. "you're a pain in the ass" he mutters a smirk on his lips as he leans in close.
I bit my lip in response. his body presses against mine, caging me between the car and his body. his hands rest on my hips, his thumbs hooking under the hem of my top. i look at him, nick was already inside the venue. daniel leans in, his lips ghosting over my neck. he nips at the skin before speaking again. "you taste good" he mutters, his breath hot against my skin. "you're so hot" i say i was already worked up. his hand moves from my hip to my jaw, tilting my face so i am looking at him. "yeah?" he asks, his voice was low and raspy. "mhm" i respond. His thumb pressed against my bottom lip, gently pushing it down. his eyes trail over my lips. "open your mouth" he mutters. i do just that and open my mouth. a smirk spreads on his lips. he pushes his thumb between my lips, letting it rest on my tongue. he lets out a breath, "good girl." i teasingly suck his thumb. A low moan leaves his lips and he pushes his body against mine- his hips pressing into mine. "keep doing that" he instructs, his voice strained. and i keep doing so. "just like that.." he groans, one of his legs pushing in between mine. he takes his thumb out of my mouth, replacing it with his lips instead. he kisses me deeply, roughly biting my lip. i moan with pleasure. he swallows the sound, his tongue pushing past my lips into my mouth. he groans in response, his hands gripping my waist roughly as he continues to push me back against the car. we make out for a while longer before actually going into the concert.

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