Baking time

23 1 6

Later Daphne comes to Dara and Electra's dorm and reveals that she wasn't able to get the wand

Daphne: mom and dad said "if a boy can't see the beauty within then he's not worth it" can you believe it what world do my parents live in 

Dara: Auradon 😒

Electra: Dara do you like *shows her a dress she made*

Dara: yeah it's cute it brings out your eyes 

Electra: I know 

Daphne: I'll never get a boyfriend 😫

Dara: boyfriends are overrated 😒

Electra: and how would you know Dara you've never had one 

Dara: it's 'cause I don't need one E they are a waste of time 

Electra: 😨 I forgot to do Chris's homework *rushes to do his homework*

Dara: and that is exactly what I mean 

Then they see a girl with purple and pink hair and heart shaped mark on her face come in 

Then they see a girl with purple and pink hair and heart shaped mark on her face come in 

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Girl: hey guys I'm Prism 😄

Dara and Electra: 😐😐

Prism: future queen of the heart kingdom or maybe my mom is Gemma well anyway I love what you've done with Daphne's hair and I know you hate us but do you think you could do mine

Dara: why would I do that for you 

Prism: I'll pay you $50 *shows her wallet* 

Electra: good answer I need to buy new material we can do something about the bangs add some layers and maybe some highlights 

Prism: no it's ok I want cool hair like Dara's

Electra: really the split ends too

Dara: *pulls out her spell book* beware forswear replace the old with cool hair 

And with Dara's magic Prism's hair was longer with some curls with a bow to match her dress and she goes to look at herself in the mirror 

And with Dara's magic Prism's hair was longer with some curls with a bow to match her dress and she goes to look at herself in the mirror 

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Electra: I know I know it looks like a mop on your head you know what let's cut it off layer it 

Prism: no no no no I love it 😄 it's just missing one thing *rips a part of her skirt* 

Daphne: 😨

Dara: *thinking* wow I didn't a goodie two shoe princess would do that 

Prism: now I'm cool

Dara: like ice

Daphne: *rips part of her skirt too* 🫢 what did I just do 😨 mom's gonna kill me 

Meanwhile Confusion chats with Trickee who did bring up that Chase has recently had a new style inspired by the VKs 

Trickee: we could really use a tough guy like you since most of my teammates are just a bunch of princes 

Confusion: 😆 never thought I'd hear that from another Prince but it's all *sports a British accent* "after you old chum oh pardon me did I bump into you 

Trickee: 😆 I wonder if this is why Branch didn't want to join 

Confusion: where I'm from it's "prepare to die sucker" as my father says "the only way to win is to make sure everyone else loses you rip"

Trickee: whoa whoa whoa Confusion let me explain to you what a team is you know a body has a lot of different parts 

Confusion: yes

Trickee: well they all need each other that's what a team is different players who work together to win besides if we lose at least we still have each other 

Confusion: wow I never really thought of it like that 

Trickee: what's it like on the Isle

Later Confusion is given a new team shirt and he goes to show his friends 

Confusion: did your plan work with Daphne are you going to see the wand

Dara: do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I completely struck out 😡

Confusion: someone's in a mood 🙄

Dara: my mom's counting on me I can't let her down 

Confusion: we can do this if we stick together 

Dara, Electra and Cheese: 😳😳😳

Dara: and we won't go back until we do because we're rotten 

Confusion, Electra and Cheese: to the core 

Electra: oh yeah I found out that Petal blesses Birch with the wand at the coronation and we all get to go I have nothing to wear of course 

Then Birch who kinda has a crush on Dara comes

Birch: *blushing* hey Dara was wondering if you had any questions or anything that you needed 

Dara: not that I know of 

Birch: ok

Dara: wait um is true that we all get to go to the coronation 

Birch: yeah the whole school goes

Dara: wow that is beyond exciting do you think it's a possibility we can stand next to Petal so we can soak up all that goodness 

Birch: I wish you could it's just me, my sister, my parents and my girlfriend 

Then Birch leaves 

Dara: I think it's time that Birchie got himself a new girlfriend and I need a love spell 

And they plan on making a love potion disguised as a cookie to make Birch fall in love with Dara

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