Visiting Day!!!!

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Ricky POV

So today I'm going to visit EJ in at Duke for Family visiting day but since EJ mom Passed and his dad Well let's say that they don't the best relationship I decided to go and Suprise EJ 

Ricky and Nini Apartment 

Ricky is packing his things to go see EJ while NIni is talking to Gina on the phone 

Ricky: you know you can go with me to family day and See Gina instead of Talking to her on the phone 

Nini:Gina actual Family is going and there's to many of them 

Gina: I heard that(She said on the phone) 

Nini: but you go enjoy See your Boyfriend I know he's going to need someone family day for some people are the best while for him isn't the best  

Ricky: Okay I Have to go 

Nini: Bye 

Ricky grabed his bags and Drove to the Airport 

Time skip 


Ricky got out the Taxi and Walked to the welcoming table and he went to EJs dorm and knocked on the table 

EJ:I'm coming

EJ went to opened the door and saw Ricky At the door 


EJ: Ricky What are you doing here 

Ricky: well I know you  don't have the best relationship with your dad So I decided I would suprise you 

EJ huggs Ricky and pulled him inside and closed the door and Start pacing back and fourth and Ricky was confused 

Ricky: EJ are you okay you seem stressed

EJ: Well here's the thing my friends doesn't know I'm gay and I have a boyfriend 

Ricky:Okay then who do you think I am..

Then EJ roommate and Teammates come in and see Ricky 

Conner:Hey EJ who is this 

EJ:This Ricky my 

Ricky: younger Brother 

EJ: Yes younger Brother 

Conner:Brother EJ you didn't tell us you had a brother 

EJ:Yea I guess It didn't come Up(EJ looked at Ricky)

Conner:EJ we have to go to are Family Game scrimmage water polo Match 

EJ: I'll see you there in a Minute I have to talk to my brother for a minute 

Conner and The rest of the water polo team left 


Ricky: Sorry I panicked When you told me they didn't know you was gay I didn't know what to say 

EJ: It's Okay 

Ricky:Can I ask you a Question 


Ricky:Why Haven't you told your friends your gay 

EJ: scared I guess I don't know I just don't know what would Happened or what they will say If I tell them 

Ricky:It's about trust you do it if you trust them,if you trust them then you tell them and of not then you don't have to 

EJ hugged Ricky and kissed him 

Time skip to Afrer the water Pole game 

Ricky, EJ and The water polo went to the Dinning hall Ej was thinking about something 

EJ: Hey Guys I need to tell you all something I'm gay and Ricky isn't my brother he's my Boyfriend and I'm was scared to tell you guys

EJ and Ricky looked a the guys to see how they would react 

Conner:EJ I'm gay to  I have a boyfriend  To his name is Sebastian but I call him 

Ricky: Seb the blonde hair guy with  puppy energy  I went to high school with him we was in Drama club together 

EJ: Wow I guess there was nothing to be worried about 

Ricky: I guess not 

Announcer: Exuse me  students and there families family day Is now over 

Ricky: I guess I have to go back to my hotel 

EJ: Do you have to i liked having you here 

Ricky:I do but I'll be back to visit you or you can visit me in salt lake 

EJ:I will visit you I love Ri

Ricky:I love you to E 

Ricky left the school to go back to his hotel after not seeing in his sight he took out a box out of his pocket 

Conner:EJ is that a Ring 


EJ put the box in his pocket and the team back to there dorms 

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