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It was now 4pm and I was done blowing up Rulani ass. After I call you 150 times I'm done. I was wrong for not waking her up but it's really not that deep, I'll pay her back for that damn shift.
Rulani was good company and it was good having her around but neither one of us was ready for a relationship it was just good vibes with us, not forcing shit.
I was on the way to the trap right quick to make a lil money but this street shit wasn't for me. I wanted to open a tattoo shop and bring in multiple tattoo artists. It was would help me and also make my mama happy. She wasn't too fond of me selling drugs when she found out back when I was still in school she kicked me out and told me I wasn't gone be shit. I'm 23 now, atleast I graduated high school but I'm still tryna make better for myself. My momma had divorced my father when I was 13, he would beat on her then leave at wee hours of the night cheating, she didn't know what really had changed about him but I knew he was on some type of drug. Niggas just don't wake up sober on a Sunday morning and say " imma beat this bitch today in front of my son, he need to see this shit".
I still have a bond with my mother she just hates the fact that I'm still in the streets. The streets really brought that car I got her though and a lil tattooing on the side but mainly them drugs. I wanna do so much more for my mama because she didn't deserve to have one lame ass nigga fuck everything up for her. I also pray every night and day that I don't turn out to be like that lame ass nigga.
Once I arrived at the trap I happened to see tyrin ass and walked over to him to dap him but before I could I see he on FaceTime with Kyla while she we was at work, She was standing beside ru bad ass but I decided against saying something that would risk putting others in our business. Yeah, ain't shit going between us, but I still don't even want people knowing that I even got a lil friend. They take shit like that and run with it.
Once Tyrin hung up we went ahead and talked about him making a drop in Cali for me tonight. I would've attended but I needed sit this one out for a while. I was paying them extra for doing my line of work.
I was now home waiting on ru to pull up and explain the reasoning for all the shit she pulled today because it was uncalled for.
At 9:36pm I heard a knock and jogged to the door and opened it to see fine ass lani she was so bad to me. She had on a lil dark green and navy blue sleeping set with some big house slippers.
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She shoved past me and went straight to my room like this was her damn house.
I walked to my room to see her sitting on the bed just looking at me and I'm looking back at her cause she took the situation to far.
" why you did the most just morning ru ?" I said .
" because you know I need my job, that's how I pay my bills I didn't feel you took that as serious as I do"
" I'm sorry lil bit, how much ya rent ?"
" it's only $650 I stay in a 1 bedroom so it works for me "
I went to my dresser and I pulled out a stack of money for her " here's $1300 pay the next 2 months and if you ever need help just let me know " I sat the money down next to her.
" Mason I'm not asking for help I just wished you would've woke me up but thank you "
" can we go blow, I'm stressing Ian spoke to you all day , I miss your voice "
" boy hush you be exaggerating, but yeah "
" just cause you don't miss me don't mean I'm exaggerating " i laughed as we headed to the balcony to blow one.
I had connected to the speaker and played plies " please excuse my hands " to set the vibe while she went to go sent down. When I sat down I lit the pre rolled blunt while I felt eyes on me. I looked up and ru was staring at me.
" What you staring at sexy " I asked while taking a pull from the wood.
She had just looked away trying to hide her blushing then I passed her the wood.
" what you do to make money ?" ru asked.
" I'm into shit, but I don't want that to be my life, some people think they hard for that shit, not me I gotta get out quick " I answered
" you don't have any family ? "
" my daddy a woman beater and my mama is my heart ion got no siblings"
" come sit over here with me i wanna touch you" i said.
" huh " she sai
" you deaf ? " I asked
" hush " she said as got up and sat down in my lap.
" don't pull that shit you pulled earlier again, and I mean that " I whispered in her ear.
" gotchu boo " she said
" boo my new name huh " I said
" yes, is that a problem " she asked
" of course not lil bit " i said while rubbing in between her thighs.
" don't let them whores call you boo either , its only for me"
" I promise I won't " i chuckled while doing a pinky promise with her and kissing her hand.
After that we went back to my room and laid in the dark while talking until we dosed off.