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Felix's POV

Standing in front of the mirror in the guest bathroom, I stared at the image staring back at me. I had no idea I could get this red.

God this is so embarrassing. I have always been a sensitive person, body and soul but Hyunjin's touches made me realize that I might be more sensitive than I thought, this or I'm just extra sensitive to the older's touches which to some extent might be true.

His touches just have a way of igniting a fire that only he can quench, it's been that way since the first time we properly laid eyes on each other. The flame of desire between us have always been uncontrollable.

After that kiss that took place in the I.C unit of my house, I ran without looking back, even when he was calling for me to come back. I left the room also the house, leaving him there alone which I felt really guilty for. A patient who's seriously injured alone without any sort of help, I had to call in Jeogin to look after him when I regained my senses, cause I didn't think I could face him again.

I was so embarrassed. A stranger I just met, my very own patient, I gave my first kiss to such a person, someone I knew nothing about, I was very upset with myself honestly.

But such is the hold that Hwang Fucking Hyunjin have on me, if I was given the chance to go back in time, I would still do the same thing without hesitation and no regrets.

"Felix?". That was Hyunjin calling me, I must have taken longer than necessary. There's something about the way he calls my name that gives me butterflies.

"Yeah?". I responded glancing at the mirror and seeing that my face have lost all extra color on it, left the bathroom and headed back into the living room.

"Just wanted to be sure you are still breathing". He said smiling more like smirking.

"Well sorry to disappoint you". Came my own reply.

"No, I'm not disappointed, I would've followed you to the land of the dead if I have to". Hyunjin stated curtly with all seriousness.

"I didn't know you were this cheesy". It was the truth, he just didn't strike me as the cheesy type.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, pretty boy". He responded coolly.

I glared at him but chose not to comment on the endearment, I know how it'll end, instead his words kind of brought me back to the initial reason why I ended up in the bathroom.

I also noticed he didn't touch his food since I left, so sweet!

"Okay then Mr Hwang,tell me about you, everything there's to know, I want to know it all". I told him sincerely, the urge to know more about him was so great, I want to know things others don't.

"Okay then, curious kitty, brace yourself". He said taking a dramatic pause before he continued.

"Well you know my name and what I do already". I nodded, he sighed his mood shifting, It seems like whatever he's going to tell me is something heavy.

"I'm a Korean but was born in Australia". He revealed causing Felix to almost gasp. "Are you alright". The older asked concerned. "yeah, go ahead". I urged him to shift attention from myself.

"I grew up in the orphanage as long as I remember though, apart from my sister and without knowledge of any family members, while I was in the orphanage I always thought of my sister and how life is like outside of the orphanage walls, when I was eighteen I was meant to fend for myself since the orphanage home can't cater for me anymore, I left the orphanage, and went into the street, my first instinct was to find my sister but how could I find her when I had nothing, no money, no roof over my head, I hardly eat a proper meal once a day and in a world where connections matters a lot, I had none". He paused taking a deep breath to stabilize his emotions before proceeding...

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