Chapter 4

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"Good morning, dear! Sleep alright?" Merlin asked as soon as Arwen arrived at the table for breakfast. The young girl stretched. "Uh huh." Sitting down, she reached for a piece of toast. "So, what's my class schedule?"

"Ah, ready to get started. That's my girl." The wizard snapped his fingers, a piece of paper appearing in the air and floating over to Arwen. She scanned it twice, the classes looking promising and exciting. She was so ready to do this.

Soon enough, she was dressed and following Merlin to her first class. She wore a light purple dress that stopped about two inches above the knee made of tulle, darker purple flowers scattered around the hemline and off-shoulder sleeves, and short heels.

The first class of the day was Magical History, and she was elated to see Charming, Fay, and Snow there. The lesson went by smoothly, and though Arwen already knew most of what was being taught, she found herself in deep with the knowledge being given by the teacher, like any other student would be.

Art and Alchemy also were good classes, and Bridget and Ella were there, too. In Alchemy, though, she took brief notice of two kids sitting in the back, staring at her when she first walked in. One was a girl with black hair, most of it twisted up in horns, a sharp look on her face. The other was a boy with bright blue hair and dressed in black leather.

When she asked Bridget, who was her partner, about them, the pinkette whispered; "That's Maleficent and Hades. They're part of the villains kids we told you about yesterday." And that's all that was said. Yet Arwen could feel their eyes on her every couple of minutes, piercing the back of her head. That's why she pulled the two girls out of the room as soon as class was over.

"What was that about, A? You just tugged me right out of there so fast." The pink princess said as soon as the two were outside. "Sorry. It's just that I could feel Maleficent and Hades staring at me the whole period and it was... creepy."

Ella and Bridget looked at her with pity. "I bet. Maleficent especially, with those sharp, piercing eyes and cold face." To prove her point, Ella mimicked the horned VK's face expression, which made Arwen laugh.

"Oh, come on, Ella." Charming's voice came from behind them as he caught up with them, Fay next to him. "This is how it's done." He did his own imitation of Maleficent, which sent all four girls into a laughing fit.

"Heads up!"

A boy called, directing the group's attention to a ball going high into the air and starting to come down towards them. Arwen flew up and caught it on her toes, spinning and sending it back down to where it came from. "Awesome! Thanks!"

Arwen waved at the kid and his friends as they ran off, kicking the ball as they went. She floated to the ground, her feet delicately touching the surface.

"Wow, that was so cool!" Ella commented. Arwen was about to thank her when a different voice stopped her.

"Very cool, indeed."

Following that was something slithering around her stomach, gripping her waist and spinning her around. Arwen came face-to-face with a girl that sported teal and yellow braids, teal and dark blue clothing, and octopus tentacles coming out of her back, said appendages being what had turned her around. Beside her were Hades and Maleficent, a boy with blond hair, and a familiar face.


Arwen's breath caught in her throat when she locked eyes with him, causing a quick wink to be sent her way. She had little time to blush over it when Ella spoke up.

"Leave her alone, Uliana." She demanded, pulling the white-haired girl out of the tentacle's grip. Its owner, Uliana, raised her hands.

"What? I'm just complementing her, there's no harm in that, right?" She retracted her tentacles, minus two, which she used to pull Arwen closer. The force of the tug pulled a gasp from Arwen, but she didn't show fear. A little unease, though, given that these were the VKs she'd been warned about. Still, she decided to give a kind approach.

"Um, thanks. Uh, I'm Arwen, and you're Uliana, correct?"

"Aw, look at her." The two tentacles gripped her cheeks. "Cute thing, isn't she?" Uliana squished Arwen's cheeks and patted her head. Laughing, though a bit nervously, Arwen carefully pushed the tentacles off her person. She looked back at James, who looked like he wanted to say something to her. He was about to, actually, but then the unknown blonde boy jumped up in front of her.

"So you're Merlin's kid? I'm Morgie. That makes things really interesting, you know, seeing that my mom's Morgana and our parents are enemies. But you're like, really interesting and I..."

Arwen zoned out as Morgie continued to ramble, having stopped listening when the words "Morgana's son" came out of his mouth. He's the child of her dad's worst enemy? Does that make her wary of him? It probably should, but seeing the way he acted as he talked, like an excited teenage boy, made her conclude that perhaps he wasn't as dangerous as his mother.

A villain, of course. But not too dangerous.

"Morgie!" James had enough of the blonde's chatter, shoving him away with his hook. "Cut your yapping, will ya? It's getting irritating."

Morgie whined, which the pirate ignored. He instead stepped up to Arwen. "Nice to see you again, love. Enjoying your first day?" The metal of his hook brushed her hair, and it took everything in Arwen's power to not look away from shyness. "I-uh..."

"Okay, that's enough!" Her friends, deciding this was too much, stole her away from the VKs, much to the displeasure of said villains. Arwen saw the annoyance painted on James' face, and she was honestly not happy, either. She wanted to talk to him again. However, maybe it would be better for it not to be in front of his group, as she couldn't figure out her feelings about them yet.

She'd have to find an opportunity to see him alone, with no one to pull her away. That became her new mission. 

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