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"Morning Kurt, Lyra," Mr. Schuester said as he walked passed the group, the jocks surrounding the two Glee members.

"Buenos nachos, Mr. Schue," Puckerman noted as he had an arm around Lyra as the other jocks surrounded Kurt.

"Hey! Let's go, Titans!"


Once Mr. Schue was gone, Puckerman moved to put Kurt in the dumpster.

"Wait!" Kurt shouted as he handed Lyra his bag. "One day, you will all work for me and Lyra,"

The jocks tossed him in.


Ah, freak out

Le freak, c'est chic

"Energy, guys," Mr. Schuester told us as we went through the number

Freak out

"It's disco,"

Le freak, c'est chic

Ah, freak out

"Good with the hands. John Travolta hands. All right,"

Le freak, c'est chic

"Freak it out. Let's go,"

Freak out

Le freak, c'est chic

"And up and out and down and--good,"

Have you heard

About the new dance craze?

"Good, good, guys,"

Listen to us

I'm sure you'll be amazed

Big fun...

Lyra and Mercedes jumped back when Rachel did a kick.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Mercedes exclaimed, "Hell to the no. First of all, you try to bust me and Lyra's face again, and I will cut you." Mercedes turned to Mr. Schuester. "And also, this song is terrible,"

"Okay, no, no, it's not the song." Mr. Schuester argued, "You guys just need to get into it,"

"No, it's the song. It's really gay," Kurt argued.

"We need modern music, Mr. Shue," Artie claimed

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing the song this Friday at the pep assembly," Mr. Schuester explained.

"In f-front of the whole school?" Tina stuttered.


"They're going to throw fruit at us. And I just had a facial," Kurt argued.

"I'll press charges if that happens," Rachel said.

"Guys, I can't express how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There are seven of you. We need 12 to qualify for Regionals. We have no choice or...the club is over," Mr. Schuester explained. "I know you guys don't like this song, but we took Nationals back in '93 with Freak Out. It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. From the top,"

"I'm dead," Finn said

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