The lady in white

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The moon hung high in the obsidian sky, casting a silver glow over the desolate landscape. Shadows stretched long and eerie across the forest floor, the silence of the night broken only by the ragged breaths of a woman running for her life. The lady in white but covered in red at this point she has no idea about how much blood is hers and how much is of enemies,Clutched to her chest, a baby wrapped in blood-soaked cloth, his tiny cries drowned by the pounding of her heart.

Her legs burned with every stride, but she couldn't stop. Not now. Not when the lives of her entire clan depended on this innocent child. She glanced down at her son, his eyes wide and bright with confusion. A tear slid down her cheek as memories of happier times flooded her mind.

Just days ago, the village had been filled with joy, celebrating the birth of her son, their hope for the future. Her husband, had beamed with pride, lifting their child high for all to see. The elders had blessed them to have a bright future with their son and for a brief moment, peace reigned.

But that peace was shattered in a single night. Screams had pierced the air, the scent of blood and smoke filling her senses as their enemies descended upon them. Warriors, relentless and merciless, cut through their defenses like a hot knife through butter. She had fought alongside her heart breaking as she watched him fall, a final plea on his lips: "Protect our son." And with that he took his final breath.

Now, she was alone, save for the precious bundle in her arms. Her husband's last words echoed in her mind, fueling her determination. She stumbled over a root, barely catching herself before she fell, and kept running. She could hear them behind her, the pursuers, dark shapes flitting through the trees, gaining on her.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind of grief and fury. Her parents, her friends, all slain while defending their home. She had witnessed their bravery, their sacrifice, and now she carried the weight of their final wish. She knows she doesn't have enough time to live and she will not be able to see his child's first walk or even his first word . She remembered her bet with husband that what their child will gonna say first mama or dada but she is running with just one wish the child must live. He must seek justice for their clan.

A clearing opened before her, the silhouette of an old orphanage standing solemnly against the night sky. And she realised that she had reached her destination that's the end now to save her child she has to do something a mother never wanted to do leaving alone her newborn child in this cruel world. Gasping for breath, she approached the building, her heart aching as she looked down at her son one last time.

"You must be brave, little one," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Grow strong, and seek justice for our people who fight for you till their last breath. shine like your grandparents and be brave like your father and no matter what always remember we are with you.Never forget who you are."

She placed the baby gently on the doorstep, tucking the cloth around him securely. With a final kiss to his forehead, she rose and rang the doorbell ,her body screaming in protest but she has to go with that she move , and turned to face the darkness once more.

Her enemies were upon her, shadows moving swiftly between the trees. Her eyes burned with a fierce resolve as she drew her blade, ready to meet them head-on. She fought with a ferocity born of love and loss, each strike a testament to the lives taken, the future stolen.

But the numbers were overwhelming. Her movements slowed, her strength waning as blood flowed from countless wounds. She fell to her knees, a cry of defiance tearing from her lips as the last of her energy faded. In her final moments, she looked towards the orphanage, the faint cries of her son echoing in her ears.

With a final, shuddering breath, she fell, her body crumpling to the ground. But she is still happy because she fulfilled his husband's last wish her child is safe, with a faint last smile she said " I am accompanying you soon my dear wait for me and closed her eyes for forever.The night grew silent once more, save for the distant wail of a newborn baby, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

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