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After the desert, they both discovered that every where's already dark, and dusk have befallen them mid Convo, they must have lost track of time due to Hyunjin's excessive teasing and that's when a brilliant idea hit Hyunjin like a Hurricane.

"Felix..." Hyunjin called out breaking the silence that surrounded them after seeing that it's late.

"Yeah?" Felix responded dreading parting with Hyunjin thinking that was what the older wanted to say but was stunned when he heard what Hyunjin said, he thought he might've heard it wrongly...

"Hyunjin, what did you say?" He asked trying not to sound too excited.

"I said can you let me crash here for the night, it's dangerous driving this late, that's if you don't mind ". He repeated not noticing the excitement on the younger's tone.

"Of course I don't mind". Felix replied a little too eagerly..."I mean you're quite right, it's not safe driving this late"  he quickly amended realizing his mistake when Hyunjin smirked.

"So where do you want me to sleep, the guest room or do you want me to sleep with you?" Hyunjin teased with a smirk accompanied by a wink.

Felix's heart almost broke out of his ribcage at Hyunjin's words, he went beet red when he realized where his thoughts went.

"What were you thinking". Hyunjin asked amusement evident in his tone which shows he knows exactly what Felix was thinking.

"Pervert". Felix murmured scoffing. Feeling his insides twirl in excitement when he heard Hyunjin cackle.


"No you're the pervert".

"You're the pervert".

"No, you".

"Okay stop".

" Alright, alright, I'll stop". Hyunjin conceded still laughing with his two hands up in the air in a surrendering pose.

"Come with me, I'll show you the guest room". The younger demanded turning away from Hyunjin smiling widely walking towards the guest room with Hyunjin trailing behind him, he willed his steps not to falter when he noticed the taller obviously checking him out shamelessly.


It's already so late, close to midnight when they both decided to call it a day.

Felix went upstairs to his room, sighed and splayed himself all over his bed in exhaustion, he just finished cleaning up.

He sighed again and stood up feeling dizzy with the force at which he did.

He stripped off all his clothing and wrapped his lower body with a towel and headed towards his bathroom to take a shower while humming on the song CHURCH by CHASE ATLANTIC.


Meanwhile Hyunjin was pacing around in the guest room after taking his bath with nothing but a towel contemplating if he should go to Felix's room and ask him for some clothes to sleep on since the ones he wore earlier have to be washed.

What if he's sleeping, I don't want to disturb him, he looked so tired earlier while we were doing the dishes, but I need something to wear. I can't sleep naked, this isn't my house.

"Argh!!!". He groaned frustrated.

He was having a silent argument with himself when he heard a whisper from outside the door and before he could tell Felix not to come in yet, the younger was already standing before him.

His eyes wide, the cloth he seemed to be holding a pile on the floor.

Hyunjin might seem like a confident person but that's just to cover up his low self esteem regarding his own body.

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