Chapter Two

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Toby chuckled and poked Masky's nipple, he quickly turned into Maskette. Maskette had no bra on.
"Heheh." (Toby) Maskette growled.
"Change me back.." She covered her breasts. "Now."
"Why? >:3" Toby chuckled then took Maskette's hands away from her breasts. "Just let it all be out. I'm sure your little friends want to breathe.
"Heh." Maskette covers her chest again. "Change me back please."
"Okay." Toby pinched Maskette's cheek and Maskette turned back into Masky. "There you go."
"Heh. Thanks. Now I could actually rape you >:D" Masky grabbed Toby and pulled her in, gaining a kiss cause it was sudden. Toby blushed but kissed Masky back, she wrapped her arms around Masky's neck. Masky smiled and continued as he grabbed her butt to raise her up in a way. Toby blushed a darker shade of pink, her breasts where now resting on his chest. Every now and then they would move and rub against him. Masky moaned a bit and moved slowly slipped his boxers down.
"O-Okay." Toby's cheeks were now completely pink.
"Heh." Masky slips Toby's thong off and slips inside her. He moaned a bit when he did. Toby let out a bit of groans of pain as Masky slipped in. Masky smiled shyly. He waited for a sign that he could continue After a minute or two he got a signal from Toby that he could continue. Masky smiled and started to thrust slowly. Toby continued to let Masky.
Masky never thought that this is what would happen. He thought that they would both be men and do anal, oral, or something else. This was just a smack in the face. A good smack. Masky smiled and continued. Toby blushed, "Faster please..." She said quietly.
"Heh. Sure thing." Masky grabs Toby's huge hips and starts to thrust a lot more.Toby moans with every thrust. Masky goes in more and a lot faster. Toby moans loudly. Masky continues to go harder and faster, starting to reach his climax.Toby is about to reach her climax, "M-Masky.. I-I'm-" Toby reached his climax and released her juices. Masky did the same.
"Aaahh~" He smiled shyly and pulled out. "And into the lake it all spreads. The fish are unlucky to live here.." Masky chuckled. He was blushing madly.
"Yeah." Toby laughed shyly.
"Heh. Let's get out of here. Wanna go get more ice cream? :3" Masky started to out Toby onto his back and swim to shore.
"Nahh." Toby wrapped her arms around Masky's neck loosely.
"What do you want to do then?" Masky chuckled.
"I don't know, what do you want to do?"
"Eat cheesecake owo" Masky laughed evilly.
"Okay." Toby laughed, when they arrived at the shore Toby walked over to his clothes after Masky set her down and she put on her jacket, it went below her butt so she didn't bother to put on her pants. She shoved her pants into her jacket's pocket. Masky put on his clothes.
"There. So, what are we doing?" He smiled at looked at Toby. "You need a bra."
"Yea. I do. I don't have any money though."
"Steal Scarlet's. It might be a bit too big for you though. Her breasts are gigantic.." He started to zone out slowly.Toby gave Masky a death glare. Masky shook his head.
"Her breasts are huge. Okay." Toby chuckled then walked to the Creepypasta household.
"They are owo I just wanna stuff my face into them. :3" He followed Toby.
"Do it then." Toby said then continued to walk to the Creepypasta household. Toby didn't really seem to give a damn that Masky wanted to do things with other females. Secretly she did, "Ben's dick seems so nice I just want to suck on it all day." She said. Masky growled slightly and yanked Toby to him.
"No. You're staying with me. Only." He said sternly to her face.
"Okay." Toby smiled then wrapped her hands around Masky's waist and continued to walk with him.
"Good. Thank you." Masky smiled and hugged her close.
"Your welcome." Toby smiled again.
"Heh." Masky laughed.
"You shouldn't talk about Scarlet's boobs anymore." Toby chuckled.
"I shall >:D No, just joking." He kissed her forehead. "Just messing with you." He smiled.
"Okay." Toby smiled and blushed lightly. He smiled.
"Now where?"
"To Scarlet's room so I can kidnap a bra"
"Heh. Okay."
"Otay." They arrived and Masky was waiting for Toby to return after Toby left to go into Scarlet's room. He looked through her bras to find one that looked comfortable. Scarlet froze when she saw Toby.
"Excuse me. Those are mine you pervert!" She tackled her. Scarlet was only in her bra and sweat pants, no underwear and no shirt. "Who the fuck do you think you are Toby?! Sooner or later, others will do the same!!" Her breasts were hanging above Toby's chest. Toby thought without thinking. She quickly grabbed Scarlet's boob and squeezed it so she was distracted. She quickly escaped from Scarlet and grabbed a blood red bra then Toby ran out of the Creepypasta household as fast as she could, which seemed like he was as fast as a roadrunner, only when she was scared though. Scarlet moaned and growled as Toby ran away. "Dammit Toby.." She growled. Toby continued to run until the house and everything was unseen, even when he jumped. Masky teleported minoring of her and tried to grab her wrist.
"Hey!!" He screamed when he failed and fell instead. Toby ran over him.. He lay unconscious on the nature floor.
Toby stopped and walked back to Masky, "Shit..." She grabbed Masky's arm and dragged him to a tree and let him rest on it while she put on Scarlet's bra. She then sat down close to Masky and rested her head on his leg. He didn't move. At. All. He felt dead. He was weakly breathing, but it wasn't visible. He felt darkness surround him. Then, he thought he saw his whole life in the darkness. He cried mentally. It was his subconscious. He was seeing things in that view. He felt like his eyes were open and he was breathing normally. He felt like he was in that real world, only he was drowning in the darkness.
"H-hello?" He yelled. No response, just echo's. He walked from the beginning of his life, aka where he was, to the end. At the end, he saw himself how he was right now, lifeless with Toby laying with her head on his leg. He frowned at the scene. "Is that me right now..?" He felt like crying. Next the that scene was a box with a red button and a green one. And a question above,
Continue life?
He looked at the buttons. He immediately smashed the green one and fell through a hole. When he reached the ground, there was the same box with only a green button. There was also a path going to a red light.
Are you sure?
Was shone in front of him. He nodded and pressed the button, wondering what that red light was.
"Probably heaven.. But a red version to suggest no." He whispered to himself. He returned to his usual body, but was still knocked out. "Huh..?" He thought. While Masky still wasn't awake Toby was just staring off in space, her angel wings were wrapped around her like a blanket. Masky woke up with a groan. "T-Toby..?" He looked up. "Scarlet?" He mistook her for another. It was hard to tell because only Scarlet wore a bloody red bra. And she was the only one who would go into the woods without a shirt. Or, would take one of in a forest.. He gulped nervously. "Scarlet, where's Toby? I need to see him. I need to see if he's okay."
"I'm right here, darling." Toby looked at Masky then quickly put his shirt on.
"Oh!" Masky blushed from embarrassment. "I'm sorry. Are you okay? What happened?" He quickly asked.
"I'm good and nothing. Why are you asking?" She looked at him.
"I thought something bad happened. I'm sorry." He smiled with relief.
"It's okay. So, while you were out like a lightbulb, what happened?"
"I..I don't really understand what happened. But, all I know is that I returned.." Everything that happened while he was out was blocked from his memory, He couldn't remember anything from that recent time.
"Well, at last you didn't die and become an angel or anything." Toby chuckled.
"Yeah. I think I remember..yes. Yes I remember! There was a red light. There was a choice at the end to go to the red light." Masky looked at Toby, feeling concerned. "No white light, just a red one.. What is it.."
Toby got a bit pale. "Probably nothing my sweet." Toby chuckled nervously then kissed Masky's cheek.
"Yeah, probably.." Masky smiled at Toby. "Gawd, I love you so much."
"I love you too." Toby smiled.
"Good." Masky laughed loudly.
Toby chuckled, "I'll be right back." Toby kissed Masky's cheek again. Toby got up. "Wait right there." Toby smiled then walked out of sight, once Toby was out of sight he jogged far away then when he was far enough he made a call.
"Come on... Pick up dammit... Why are these damn dreams already fucking happening to Masky..." He tapped his foot impatiently. Masky waited and looked at the sky and made an ice cream cone pop up. He started to eat it. Toby heard a voice, "Hello?"
Toby growled, "Why the fuck is Masky already having these damn dreams. Tell me now." The person chuckled and told Toby the whole reason why. It's been an hour and Toby still hasn't returned. Masky frowned. He stayed in his place this whole time.
"Ugh. Toby.. Please come back.." He snapped his fingers and started to eat his 10th ice cream cone. He was tired of waited, but continued because he was a good guy. And very patient. Another hour went by. Toby was walking in a circle then hung up and leaned on a tree and slid down, "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it...." Toby growled. Masky sighed in his sleep. He was imagining himself with Toby before suddenly remembering his vision.
"Oh god.. What was that..?" He talked to himself in his mind. He was still waiting for Toby to return. Toby grabbed a knife she always kept in her pocket.
"Fuck you and fuck your stupid fucking religion!" Toby yelled out in anger. She looked at her arm, "It's all my fucking fault..." She took the blade to her arm and quickly cut it and continued to cut herself until she was barely conscious. Masky teleported to Toby, still asleep. Toby's blood hit Masky's face, Toby was leaning against the tree still. Slowly losing life .... again. Masky woke up and snapped his fingers, the wound erasing quickly and the akin was normal and smooth as it was. "So this whole time I was waiting, you were cutting yourself..?"
"I had a reason." She said coldly. He froze.
"Wh-what's wrong? What happened...?" Masky got super worried. Toby never acted like this. He never talked like that as well. He was usually a cheerful guy, but now.. 'Its probably because being a girl is depressing..,' Masky thought before getting a huge grin.
"Sucks being on your period hey? >xD"
"I'm not on my period." Tears started to stream down Toby's cheeks.
"What's wrong..?" Masky tilted his head.
"Everything." She quickly hugged Masky and cried into his chest.
"H-huh?" Masky hugged her tightly and rubbed her back, almost crying himself. "Its alright.." He smiled. She continued to cry into Masky's chest, she was happy that he was trying to make her happy but she just couldn't stop crying. He continued to give a reassuring smile an rub back.
"Hey, its not fun being the only happy one." Masky chuckled and wiped away Toby's tears. "Please..? What's wrong anyway? Are you supposed to leave or something?" Toby slowly stopped crying.
"I don't want to talk about it... Sorry."
"Okay." Masky kept smiling.
"Thanks." Toby smiled.
"No problem." Masky laughed. "Now, chocolate makes everything better. OwO Want some? :D"
"No thanks." She stood up and wiped away her earlier tears, this reminded Tim of an anime girl for some reason.
"Heh." Masky smiled. Toby quietly walked back to the mansion, she was usually a loud mouth. Masky sighed and followed her. He was silent as well. Everything was quiet except for the usual sounds of the night animals.
"Masky... If I was an angel and you were a demon, what would you do?"
"Still date you." Masky chuckled. "I don't know. I would still date you. I'm actually already a demon, by killing children to send messages to people like that. So..yeah o o" Masky made another ice cream cone pop up. "Ice cream?" Masky froze. "Wait, a, why wouldn't we be the same thing. And b, you're an angel?!" He looked at Toby. "My guardian angel. That explains why you can fly!"

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