Chapter Four

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"One last house." Toby chuckled and followed Masky.
"Why one house? We only had one! I don't want to just kill two families!!" Masky whined. Toby chuckled then wanted to do something. Something only a real jerk would do. He pulled out a knife on Tim, "To the wall." He said in a serious voice hoping Tim would listen. Masky didn't turn around and kept walking.
"Why?" Masky smiled and turned around. He saw Toby and gulped nervously.
"To the wall, now." Toby stepped closer to Masky.
"Which one?" Masky looked at Toby with some fear. Toby pointed to a wall that was behind Tim.
"That wall." Toby took another step. Masky sighed and went to it.
"Now where doctor?" He smirked. Toby walked over to Masky until he was just behind him, his body was only inches away from Masky's. Toby put away his knife and pinned Masky to the wall, his hands where above his head, he ignored Masky's question and kissed Tim's neck, sexually. Tim had to be punished for forgetting he had to do some good~ Masky moaned and fell down a bit, feelings his knees being weak as jelly.
"Yes, babe~?" Toby continued and slipped his hands into Masky's pants and rubbed the tip of his member.
"AH-!!" Masky gasped before moaning suddenly and loudly. Toby smiled and continued. He slowly took of Tim's and his clothes. He looked at Masky's body,
"Still lookin' sexy~" Masky blushed deeply.
"Yes my love~?" Toby smiled and pressed his body against Masky's.
"A-aah..." Masky gasped slightly and looked at Toby. "I-isn't it dangerous to do this?!"
"Maybe, maybe not~" Toby chuckled and made it to where Masky and him were sitting down, "Hey, you should give me a blowjob~" Toby chuckled, he knew Masky wouldn't do it, his mouth was to fabulous.
"What?! No!" Masky blushed deeply.
"Okay." Toby chuckled, "I kind of knew you wouldn't do it so..." Toby laughed. "Well then, sit back and relax~" Toby got on his stomach and licked the tip of Masky's member to tease him. Masky gasps and arches his back inwards and throes his head back. Toby chuckled and put Masky's member in his mouth and slowly began to suck, just to tease Masky again. Masky took in shaky breathes. Toby continued to suck. Then something popped into both of their minds, 'Masky/I've never heard me/Toby moan.' Masky looks at Toby.
"T-Toby~" Masky moaned quietly. Toby continued to suck before he stopped, he took his head away from Masky's member.
"Heh. You might want to suck now~" Toby sat down, his legs wide open so Masky could get on his stomach and suck. Masky blushed deeply and started to suck as he squeezed and let go. Toby let out a few moans, Tim finally heard Toby's moan. Masky smiled. "Why are you smiling?" Toby chuckled, taking a few breaths.
"Because I love your moans. Its nice to hear that.." Masky smiled.
Toby blushed. "It's nice to hear your moans too." Toby smiled. The sun was starting to come up.
"Good." Masky smiled and got up. "Come on." He grabs his clothes and dresses up.
Toby grabs his clothes and dresses up as well. They both walk home together and fell asleep in Toby's room. Masky smiled and dreamed of having a weird family with female Toby. Clockwork came into the room and kidnapped Toby and tied him to her bed. She chuckled darkly. Clockwork slid down Toby's pants and underwear she sucked on Toby's dick then she slid his member into her pussy and she moved up and down. This made very little noise. Masky whimpered in his sleep as his dream became dark suddenly. After a few minutes it slowly got louder, louder, and louder. Toby woke up, he still had a wave of sleepiness over him so he couldn't see that good.
"Masky... What are you doing? It's to early for this shit..." Toby said quietly, he yawned. Masky woke up screaming and crying. He was sweating as the last part of his dream replayed in his head:
He kissed the female Toby and his two kids ram over with baseball bats and started to hit him. He told them to stop but their eyes were white and they kept yelling 'stay away from our mother' in union in a creepy demonic voice. He ran out and Toby seemed to have joined because she was chasing him and the kids followed. Masky was screaming as everyone tackled him and beat him up.
Toby heard Masky's scream, "Masky...?" Clocky quickly untied him and got off of his member and she got rid of the evidence and made it seem like Toby was raping her, she screamed, his member was close to her pussy. Toby was confused and still trying to actually fully wake up. Masky wiped away his tears and ran out. He ran away to the city and to the other side of it. He was far away and lost. He didn't care. He sat down and cried on the curb as people walked past him, ignoring his shown sadness. A girl saw him, her hair was blue then slowly turned into a white colors, she wore a superman tanktop and blue shorts with batman signs on the back pockets, she had pale skin, one eye was a light green and the other a dark blue, she stopped and poked Tim, "A-Are you okay, Sir?" She asked him quietly. Masky looked up.
"Yeah.. Never been better." He looked at her. When he did, he moved away his hands and the girl noticed his slapped print from a year or so ago. "Hey, are you lost? Need help finding your parents?"
"No." She laughed quietly. "Sorry if I'm being rude for asking this but... what happened to your cheek..?"
"I got slapped. Really hard. A few years ago. Its fine." Masky smiled. "Hey, I'm Masky. What's your name?"
"Oh. Nice to meet you Masky, I'm Amanda." She smiled shyly. "A pleasure to meet you Amanda." He smiled, bowed, and politely kissed her hand. He looked up and smiled.Amanda blushed, she was also speechless. She quickly came out of that, "Why'd you ask me if I needed help finding my parents?" Amanda laughed. She seemed to be around 18.
"I don't know. I didn't quiet see what age you are." He blushed from embarrassment as he took out a mask and put it on.
"Oh, okay." Amanda laughed quietly. "Any girlfriend or boyfriend your waiting for?" Amanda blushed from embarrassment, after she asked she realized how awkward that question is. Toby realized what was happening and he quickly poofed away into the bathroom with news clothes, he took a quick shower and went to find Masky.
"Umm.. Boyfriend? No. Heh. I actually ran from the other side of the city.. Yeah... o.o"
"Heh. Nice. Um, can I take a picture with you? My memory isn't the best and I don't want to forget you." She blushed a bit darker.
"Oh. S-sure?"
"Okay." She took out her phone and took a quick picture with Masky. "Thanks, Masky." A male yelled her name. She got a bit pale. "Um... I-I have to go. See you later." She smiled then ran away as quick as she could. Masky chuckled.
"I hope she doesn't get hurt I guess." He sighed and sat back down. He placed his face back onto his hands and cried a bit. The man who yelled her name ran past Masky, he yelled Amanda's name out again. He seemed outraged. Masky looked up. "Um, excuse me. I think I know who you're looking for. If you lend some time, I could probably help you."
The male stopped and looked at Masky, "Okay. I'll lend some time..."
"Thank you. All I need to know is who you are for her."
"I'm her father." The male said.
"Oh. Why did she run?" Masky froze. "I think she ran that way." Masky pointed at the wrong direction.
"Thanks." He quickly ran in the direction Masky pointed to. Masky nodded and quickly ran away to hide in a forest. Amanda just continued to run down the street as fast as she could. Masky his and gasped for air.
"Wow.. He seemed rude. Then again, I'd get worried if my daughter ran away.. She probably had a good reason..." The father continued until he was at a dead end. Amanda continued to run, she eventually ended up at an apartment area, she leaned on a wall and slid down, she continued to regain her breath. Her bruise on her side hurt, it was hell when running but she would do anything to get away from that abusive fucker that calls himself a "good dad". Masky kept hiding. No one saw him.
"Heh." He started to throw down acorns randomly. One by one after every now and then. Drop.. Drop.. Drop.. Masky smiled softly and leaned against the trunk. Drop.. Drop.. Drop..
Amanda hugged her knees to her chest and started to sob into them. Masky sighed and appeared next to her, still in his sitting pose.
"Amanda. We meet again. What's wrong?" He frowned. He never did like seeing girls cry. Amanda quickly stopped crying and wiped her tears away, "When he finds me he's going too kill me. I don't want to die... Not this soon anyway...." Toby got out of the shower and brushed his teeth then dried off and got dressed then he walked out to find Masky.
"Who?" Masky was confused.
"My dad..." She was still hugging her knees to her chest tightly.
"What?! Why! He wouldn't do that?" He was outraged. "That's it. You're staying with me." Masky hugged her close.
"He's going to find me though. Then I'm going to fucking die." She said quietly before tears started to come into her eyes again and began spilling down her cheeks. Toby started to jog, "Masky?" He yelled out and continued to jog. Masky froze.
"TOBY!! OVER HERE!!" Masky yelledToby jogged over to Masky and Amanda. He knew Amanda, a bad history. He walked over and growled while he glared at Amanda. "Toby, what's wrong?" Masky was confused.
"Her." Toby continued to glare at her, he kicked her in the stomach as hard as he could, she screamed and held her stomach.
"Hey, stop! Toby, what happened?! She already has trouble with her abusive father!" Masky glared at Toby.
"That whore has a good fucking life!" Toby kicked her again, she screamed again and she let her tears spill out. "Get away from her!" Toby kicked her once more.
"Toby, she doesn't!! There was a guy running around saying that this is her daughter and she just told me that he'd kill her!!"
"She's a fucking liar Tim!" He kicked her in the stomach again, with all of his might. "Get away from her right now!" He continued to kick her. Masky gets in front of her and gets kicked.
"What happened between you and her huh?!"
"That's private. Just get the fuck away from her if you really fucking love me." He got ready to kick her again. Masky frowned and moved away. "I'm sorry..."
"It's okay... I'm used to-" She was quickly cut off by a kick in the stomach. Toby grabbed his hatchet. Things were going to get serious. Masky had to stop Toby or at least do something. Masky tackled Toby
"Masky, get off of me." Toby glared at Masky. Amanda got up and ran away, not quickly but not to slow. She was holding her side. "Get the fuck off of me, Masky!" Toby growled. Masky got off.
"Toby, why do you want to kill her so badly?"
"Reasons." Toby quickly got up and ran after her, he would catch up to her soon. Masky sighed and stayed where he was.
"So be it then.."Toby soon caught up to her, he grabbed her hair and pulled her down, "Your the one that killed my sister in the fucking car accident... You were in that other car, I saw your smirk, you were satisfied with her death." Amanda growled, "That's in the fucking past Rogers."
Toby growled, he raised the hatchet above her head and let it drop. A hand was in front of the hatchet before it hit her. The hand was cut wide open. Masky slowly disappeared and appeared behind a tree and quietly watched Toby and Amanda. Toby didn't care about the hand, he pulled his hatchet up and let it drop again. It went right through her head, Masky still didn't know why Toby did that. It scared him to see Toby like this. Toby had years pouring down his cheeks and he hit her head with the hatchet, over and over again. Masky gulped nervously and ran. He didn't stop to breathe. He didn't stop to think about what happened. He just fucking ran.Toby saw him, "Masky!" Toby said then ran after him, hoping Masky would stop. He didn't stop. When he heard his name being called out, he got even more scared and ran even faster back home.
Toby gave up, Masky had a reason to run. Toby leaned on a tree and slid down, "He's never going to talk to me again..." Toby put his hatchet to his hand then pulled it up and brought it down, his sadness didn't let the pain go through to his brain. Toby looked at his hand, laying on the ground, he grabbed it and inspected it.
"Weird. I never thought I'd see.. My hand cut off..." Toby continued to stare. "Makes me feel high." Toby chuckled. Toby healed up his hand, his hand and smooth skin were back. Masky tripped and scarred to screaming for no reason. Toby heard him scream and quickly ran to him. When he arrived he saw Masky. He grabbed Masky's arm and raised him up to his knees then onto his feet. "Masky..."
"Toby!!" He said being afraid. He never saw Toby act that way. Toby pulled Masky close, his grip was strong.
"Your afraid of me... Aren't you?"
"No! Well, yeah. Right now. Terrified. What was that back there?"
"I don't want to talk about it..."
"Okay.." Masky was calmer now. He hugged Toby tightly.
"What's this for?" Toby slowly hugged Masky back.
"Nothing. Just hug and make it awkward owo" Masky chuckled evilly.
"Okay." Toby smiled. "Oh." Toby slipped out of the hug and held Masky's hand then he jogged to Amanda's body while holding onto Tim's hand tightly, Toby didn't speak at all. Masky followed, being super puzzled.

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