"Its a date" Harry Potter x reader

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You've liked Harry Potter for a long, long time now. But he doesn't even notice your existence! The only person who knows is Hermione Granger, your best friend. "YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM!" Hermione encouraged you.

You chuckled and shook your head. "And if he doesn't feel the same way".

Hermione placed a hand on your shoulder reassuringly, her expression filled with understanding and encouragement.
She gave a soft smile, her voice gentle as she spoke, "You won't know unless you try. You have to tell him how you feel."

"You are also his best friend , does he like anyone" You ask her

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully, a small smirk appearing on her face. "Oh, trust me," she said, "I've been trying to figure that out for years. Harry is quite the mysterious one when it comes to his romantic life. He's always been closed-off about who he likes."

"Oh" You say losing a bit of hope.

Hermione gently nudged you with her elbow, her voice lowering to a soft whisper. "But don't let that stop you from telling him how you feel. You never know, he just might feel the same way."

"Ok I guess ur right when should I tell him" You tell her feeling a bit nervous.

Hermione glanced around, making sure no one was listening in. She leaned in closer to you, her voice still hushed. "Soon," she advised. "We have a free period after lunch today. That might be a good time to catch him alone."

"Okk thanks mione" You say excited but nervous

Hermione smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting reassurance. "You're welcome. I'll be here for you every step of the way. Whatever happens, just know that I've got your back."

You smile at her words.

*Time skip to free period*

The school bell rang, signaling the start of the free period. Students dispersed from the corridors, rushing to the Great Hall for lunch or to the library for some extra study time.

Hermione, true to her word, was waiting outside the classroom, a small smile on her face as she spotted you approaching. "Are you ready?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"Ready as i'll ever be" You say while mentally preparing yourself to confess.

Hermione gave a reassuring nod, her eyes filled with encouragement. "You can do this," she said quietly, her voice filled with conviction.

She motioned for you to follow her, leading the way to a nearby secluded part of the hallway where students rarely ventured.

After glancing around to ensure no one was nearby, she stopped and turned to face you."He should be here any minute," she whispered, her gaze flickering expectantly towards the corner where they were waiting.

A moment later, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall, and sure enough, Harry Potter appeared around the corner. He stopped short when he saw the two of you waiting for him. Confusion clouded his features, but he nonetheless approached you.

"Hermione, (Y/n)," he greeted, his voice a curious mix of surprise and confusion. "Is something going on?"

Hermione glanced at you, silently encouraging you to take the lead. You swallowed nervously, your heart fluttering in your chest. This was it.

"I got it from here mione you can go now", You say very grateful for Hermione.

Hermione glanced between the two of you, sensing the shift in atmosphere. She bit her lip to suppress a smile, knowing what was about to happen. With a small nod, she gave you a subtle thumbs up before quietly sneaking away, leaving you and Harry alone in the secluded hallway.

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