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Introduction and forenotes

Men and women continue to endure the ancient dance of dating, marriage, and the woes that sometimes follow; some pull together and stand strong where others crumble under the pressure. Those who make it long term happily are usually quite in tune with each others needs; both partners work together to ensure the other is content.

Just remember for a relationship to be enjoyable and healthy, each partner has to do their fair share. It isn't the woman's job to deal with all of the romantic stuff. Yes, we love that you took the trash out but there's more to it than that. Brawny is nice when the car needs fixing or the groceries are a little heavy, however (and we know this part can be hard for some men), sometimes we need soft, passionate affection.

This specific book in the Love Guide series is tailored to help you men understand your significant other. Insight into the woman's mind and needs with the added exercises will help make your girlfriend or wife no only more happy, but t will help build a strong foundation for your relationship to grow and flourish.

Keep in mind that not every suggestion in this book will work for every woman. If you have read this far you are obviously wanting to ensure a happy relationship so try a few, he'll try them all. If she doesn't like it she will at the very least be impressed with your attempt.

Don't worry though, this isn't a man bashing or anything like that. She is getting tips on how to make you happy in the For Her book in this series as well. I will reiterate BOTH parties need to pull their weight and strive to meet their love's emotional and physical needs.


Before you continue on you should ask yourself one important question. Do you love yourself? Are you happy with who you are? Are you content with yourself? 

*If you answered no to any of the above you should read Love Guide: Love Yourself first!

Before you can be in a successful and happy relationship and actually expect someone to return your love you must love yourself. No one can love you truely until you love yourself. 

A person tends to be more insecure when they are unhappy with themselves and are quite frankly unable to allow anyone to love them. They carry their past burdens and mistakes with them and push others away. They point out all of their flaws and automatically assume their mate is secretly judging them. They fear that with these flaws they cannot possibly be truely loved. This is unfortunate for both parties involved. 

These types of situations tend to lead to other problems developing down the road. Mistrust and accusations of cheating come about this way at times, even when there is nothing of the sort going on. The other person in the relationship generally has no idea what provokes these feelings, nor do they understand how to resolve the issues.

If you feel that this may be your issue, please start with Love Guide: Love Yourself. When you are satisfied with who you are and can honestly say you "love you" you will notice a complete difference in your current relationship. Things will start to get better on their own; when you love yourself you open your heart and mind, allowing others to love you. When you reach this point, and you will know when you have, then come back and read this book to gain more tips on how to make your relationship even better. 

The happier you are, the happier your mate will be and the happier your mate is, the happier you will be. You see how this circle works?

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