9-A Tangled Web

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Hana hesitated, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief as she scanned the bustling restaurant. The young man sitting across the room waved her over with a friendly smile, oblivious to the chaos of thoughts swirling inside her head.

"Hey, over here!" he called again, more insistent this time. Hana took a deep breath and approached the table.

She slid into the seat opposite him, her nerves betraying her as her hands trembled slightly when she reached for the menu. The man smiled warmly, extending his hand in greeting.

"Hello there, I'm Song Min-Seo. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said, his voice friendly and gaze curious, as if he were trying to understand what lay beneath her initial hesitance.

"Um, well..." Hana began, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to mask her nervousness. Her eyes met Song Min-Seo's with a hint of curiosity. "How did you recognize that I was the one you were supposed to meet today?"

Her question hung in the air, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. Song Min-Seo chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on Hana with genuine admiration.

"Well, when someone as lovely as you walks into the room, it's hard not to take notice. I assumed you were the one I was supposed to meet," he replied, his words accompanied by a warm smile and eyes twinkling with charm.

Hana's thoughts raced. This blind date was never meant for her; she had been pushed into it by her well-meaning but nosy friend. She cast a fleeting glance around the restaurant, her mind filled with determination.

I have to find a way to end this gracefully, Hana thought. This wasn't meant to happen.

Song Min-Seo leaned forward slightly, his expression eager as he gestured toward the menu. "So, what would you like to have? The menu here is quite extensive. Do you have any preferences?"

His tone was polite and accommodating, his eyes attentive as he awaited her response.

Hana forced a smile, her discomfort evident as she tried to deflect the decision back to him. She fidgeted with her napkin, her voice tinged with awkwardness. "Um, sure... Whatever you like, I'm fine with it."

Song Min-Seo nodded in agreement, a hint of satisfaction in his expression as he signaled for the waiter. With a confident smile, he placed their order. "We'll have the chef's special for both of us, please."

Once the waiter left, Song Min-Seo turned his attention back to Hana, a friendly smile on his face. He leaned in slightly, his eyes curious. "So, tell me about yourself. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Any hobbies or interests?"

"Well..." Hana began hesitantly, trying to find a safe topic that would keep the conversation going without delving too deeply into personal territory.

But before she could continue, Hana's eyes widened in shock. Her boss had just entered the restaurant, accompanied by a familiar young woman. Her heart skipped a beat as recognition dawned on her. It was Soo Jin, a former classmate from high school.

Boss is here? What's he doing...? Hana thought, her mind racing with apprehension.

Soo Jin's presence only heightened Hana's discomfort. Memories of high school flooded back, and she felt her stomach churn with unease.

"I... I need to use the restroom," Hana blurted out, standing abruptly. Her voice was rushed, her discomfort palpable as she hastily rose from her seat.

She scurried towards the restroom, her face flushed with embarrassment as she tried to conceal herself from her boss's view. In a comical attempt to hide, she held her bag awkwardly in front of her face, peeking out from behind it with wide eyes.

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