8-The Secret and the Stranger

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Hana and Subin sat in  the café, the hum  of  conversations around them blending into a soft background noise.

Hana leaned forward, her expression earnest and a touch anxious.

"Do you remember Eun Woo? The guy who used to wear the mask back in high school?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

Subin's eyes widened as memories flooded back. "Yeah, I remember him. He was my junior, right? We all called him 'the mask boy'. He was... quite the enigma. What about him?" Subin's voice wavered slightly as he broke into a nervous sweat.

Hana hesitated, searching for the right words. "Well, I know you are busy with work, but I've been wondering how he's been doing lately. I know you were close to him back then, Subin. Have you heard from him at all?"

Subin's thoughts raced. She has no idea... Should I tell her? But I made a promise... I can't break it.

Flashback to that day,

Mr. Lee's stern yet compassionate eyes locked onto Subin. "Promise me. Promise me that you won't tell Hana who I am."

Subin nodded solemnly. "Ok. Your secrets are always safe with me."

Back to the present,

Subin hesitated, torn between loyalty to his friend and Hana's earnest desire. After a moment of deliberation, he chose his words carefully. "Hana, I... I don't think it's a good idea to dig too deep into his past."

"But Subin, I need to find him. There's something I need to tell him, something important. Please, if you know anything, you have to tell me."

Subin's eyes softened with understanding. "Then why didn't you say it back then?"

Hana sighed, the weight of her emotions evident. "After high school, I tried to find him, but I hit a dead end. I had to leave Seoul for personal reasons, and I lost touch with everyone. But I've been haunted by the feeling that I need to find him again. I wanted to ask and answer him."

"I understand, Hana. It must be important to you. Let me see what I can find out."

"Thank you, Subin. I appreciate it more than you know. If anyone can help me find him, it's you."

They share a kind conversation but Hana didn't receive any answers she was searching for.

Hana back to her apartment,

Hana entered, tossing her bag onto the couch with a tired sigh. She noticed Hae Won sitting at the kitchen table, a forced smile on her face but a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, Hae Won. Everything okay?" Hana asked, concern lacing her voice.

Hae Won looked up, trying to maintain her cheerful facade despite her inner turmoil. "Yeah, just... thinking about stuff."

Hana sat down opposite her, sensing something was bothering her friend. "You can tell me, you know. What's on your mind?"

Hae Won fidgeted with her hands, struggling to find the right words. "Well, you know how my mom is always trying to set me up on blind dates from Jeju, right?"

Hana nodded, recalling previous instances when Hae Won's mother intervened in her love life. "Yeah, your mom can be quite persistent about that."

Hae Won's smile faded as she looked down at her hands, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just got her call. Apparently, she has arranged another blind date for me... and it's happening tomorrow!"

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