Meeting five

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Fan fiction y/n pov
⚠️ Five is not an old man he is around 15-16
Y/n: your/name

Chapter 1-
All your life you had been alone,never the person anyone wanted to be friends with. you learnt to deal with that,But you were different. not different as in what your mum would tell you, you have power but no one could know. You always hated that ally on south street knowing the people that would walk down there, the rough ones that you wouldn't mess with but it was the only way to your work. Nothing had gone bad all the other times you walked down, you take a deep breath and walk straight avoiding the puddles on the ground. A muscular man twice the size of you blocks the way your going you turn your head to look behind and one of his buddy's is following you. Not the sorta day you expected to be having, "sorry can I just squeeze past" you say with a smile keeping your mood happy. "No I want you to stay for a while come sit with us " he takes you by the arm in a tight grip. "Get of me" you scream but no one can hear you or so you thought a cute school boy your age walks up to you and the big man. "Is everything alright" he asks "move back", you whisper.he looks at you questioning you say a little louder "move back a sec" he does as he is told continuing facing you but stepping back. You feel your power start to build purple light swarms round you forming a tornado like structure of energy the guy grabbing you flies up against the stone wall and falls and you knock out the other guy on your tail.both of the guys huddled in a ball of pain on the ground you walk of the school boy waiting a sec to look at the men then follows after you. "What's your name" he asks "why" "your not alone with your powers um" "y/n my name is y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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