Chapter 2-Strange Occurrances

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  The school was buzzing about the new girl. I hated that, when we first got here. Forks is such a small town, that people have nothing better to do, than gossip. Alice was acting odd. She had a vision three days ago, but will not tell me what it was about. She would have anger, jealousy, and deceit in her emotions. That was a far cry, from her bubbly, loveable emotions, that she usually had. It makes me wonder what she saw. Obviously, it was something, that put her on edge.

   "Alice, what did you see the other day"? I asked. "Nothing important, Jazz. Just one of my favorite designers announcing his possible retirement". She said. I knew it was a lie. I could feel it. But, I let it go. For now, that is. I'll find out what it was sooner, or later. When we got to the cafeteria for lunch, I noticed the new girl. She's quite pretty, for a human. Once we were all seated, and listening to Jessica tell Bella about us, I asked.."Edward, what is she thinking about us"? "I have no idea. I can't hear her". Edward replied. "What do you mean you can't hear her"? Asked Rose. "Just that, Rose. I can't hear her thoughts. She's silent to me". Edward said. "Can you feel her emotions, Jazz"? Asked Em. "Yes. She's curious, intrigued, and in awe". I said. "No fear? Does she have a death wish"? Asked Alice. "She doesn't know she should be scared. What's with you, Alice? You've been acting like a bitch for three days"! I said, angrily. "Nothing is wrong with me, Jasper. I just think she should have some kind of fear". Alice replied. Yeah. I caught the lie. She thinks she's slick, but she's not.

   After lunch, we went to our next classes. I sat in my History class thinking about what Alice's problem could be. I only know, it's been since she had that vision. It's just so not like her to act that way. I think I'm missing something huge, here. I will figure it out. That's a damn promise. Little Miss Alice better hope it's nothing bad.

    When the day finally ended, we went to wait by Edward's silver Volvo. He came running out of the building, like his ass was on fire! "What's gotten into you"? I asked Edward. "The Swan girl is my singer". Edward deadpanned. "WHAT"!? We all shouted. "I'm going to Denali for a week. I need to clear my head". He said. "Maybe that's for the best. Wouldn't want to expose our family". Said Rose. With that, we drove home. Once we got there, Edward called a family meeting, to discuss Bella. When we were finished, Carlisle spoke. "You will all have to be careful around her. We don't know how observant she is. Edward, we will see you in a week". Carlisle said, effectively ending the meeting.

   This is going to be an interesting week. If Bella noticed Edward's strange behavior, we could be in the cross hairs of exposure. Not saying we are. We just need to tread carefully. I would really hate to end her life, because she figured us out. With Edward's strange behavior, it could pose a problem for us. As I sat pondering the possibilities, Alice walked into the room. Her emotions had me on high alert. Rage, jealousy, and malice. As soon as she noticed I was in the room, she tried to cover it up with love, and joy.

   "That's it, Alice! What in the hell is your problem? I caught all of your emotions, and darli'n, they have nothing to do with a retiring fashion designer"! I yelled. "Wouldn't you like to know. I don't have to tell you anything, Jasper! It's my vision, so let me deal with it, and get off my case"! She yelled back. "Oh hell no, little girl! Do you forget who you're dealing with? I can make you tell me, so I suggest spilling what you know. My methods are a lot more painful, if you get my meaning"! I hissed. I had her by the throat, holding her to the wall. She had nothing, but fear in her eyes, as she looked at me. "Fine! It's the Swan girl. I had a vision of you two together. I can't have that. YOU. ARE. MINE"! She hissed. "You know we're not mates, Alice! I do not belong to you, or anyone else! I'm sick of your controlling behavior! Straighten up, or ship out! That's an order"! I said. Her emotions shifted to anger, and fear. I'm sure this is not the last showdown we will have over this.

   The week went by, without much happening. Every time Alice looked at Bella, the anger, jealousy, and malice was still there. I'm going to have to keep watch on the situation. Alice is  plotting something. I can feel it. The day Edward came back was interesting. He was also displaying odd behavior. His emotions were full of possessiveness, deceit, obsession, and bloodlust. That can't be good. I wonder if he's plotting with Alice, against Ms. Swan? "Hey Edward. Welcome home. You ready to go back to hell, I mean school"? I asked. He laughed at my lame joke, and replied. "Yeah. I can control myself. I hope I didn't make a complete ass of myself in front of her. I want to get to know her". He said. I felt the possessive, obsessive vibes, and serious deceit in his emotions. This going to suck! I can feel it! About that time, Alice came bouncing into the room. "Are you ready to see your mate, Edward"? She asked. Right away I felt the lie, and smugness coming from her. "Yes I am, Alice. I think that's why I can find my control". He replied. I felt his lie, too. His bloodlust was sky high! I'm going to have to watch this situation closely. I have a feeling Ms. Swan is very important to me.


*I hope you are all enjoying the story, so far. I'm still deciding how long it will be. I would know, if I had visions like Malice. Yes, this is an Edward/Alice bash book. I don't like them at all.*

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