Scene 3

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The sun was pleasantly bright, leaving a warm glow over everything. The leaves rustled gently with a light breeze and the air was filled with the scent of fresh grass. Sitting under the shade of a tree, Kamala was buried in her book "The Handmaid's Tale.

It's Sunday, that glorious day when most students flee the campus with their friends to pretend their lives are more interesting than they are. For Kamala, it was the one time she could enjoy some peace, away from the constant buzz of university life.

The college garden, now almost deserted, meant she could finally enjoy her precious "me time" in the greenery as she had already finished her assignments—because, of course, she had—and now she could finally relax. This was her favorite part of college, not that there was much competition.

As Kamala sat engrossed in her book, her precious me time was interrupted by a familiar sound—a soft, "meow." She looked up to see the sleek, black cat, its green eyes looking at her expectantly.

She arched an eyebrow at the cat who had become a persistent nuisance in her college life.

"Oh, look who decided to grace me with their presence again," she muttered sarcastically, reluctantly extending a hand to stroke its fur.

"Where did you vanish off to this time?"

The cat, predictably indifferent to her words, responded with a self-satisfied purr, rubbing against her hand.

Kamala sighed, shaking her head in mild exasperation. "Of course, disappearing act number 57," she muttered under her breath.

Despite its knack for vanishing for days, in the end, the cat always managed to saunter back when it pleased. 

Maybe she had other friends.  Kamala narrowed her eyes at the thought but then the cat jumped into her lap and looked at her with those damned green eyes.

"Damn you, green-eyed monster," Kamala muttered and affectionately caressed the cat. Oh, how she had missed it.

"Oh, looks like someone is having fun?" a familiar voice said.

Kamala looked up, her eyes meeting familiar brown eyes, widened in surprise.

Kamala looked up, her eyes meeting familiar brown eyes, widened in surprise

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♡⊹˚₊ Maddy ₊˚⊹♡

Maddy stood there in his usual white t-shirt with a black shirt over it, hands in his pockets, his messy hair as usual, and a smile on his face, looking as charming as ever.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, glancing at the empty spot beside her.

Kamala's mind raced while she maintained her poker face.

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