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Have you ever found yourself looking back on your first kiss, feeling a mixture of emotions?

That one special kiss that made your heart leap and melt all at once.

It's that kiss that stays with you, lingering in your soul and mind. It may even appear in your dreams or daydreams, catching you off guard.

But have you ever stopped to think why we label it as our "first" kiss?

Because in reality, it's just the first one for us.

Our first kiss holds a special place in our hearts, making it difficult to let go.

But when we kiss someone new, our heart begins to repeat that same feeling of love, almost like it can't decide which one it likes more.

So the question remains, when does the first kiss truly fade?

Maybe it never really does, it just transforms into a new love.


It wasn't always hard to understand what love meant or how to express one's love to another, no it simply states that if one likes another they express their feelings by a simple little hug that feels as if you're on a warm cloud of lava, or you simply express it by giving one a nice sweet loving kiss, a kiss you know will stay with you until you know it's the end.


My first kiss was amazing, my first kiss was my first love too.


Ever just misunderstand someone so much that it kills you on the inside. Like it's the only thing that hurts you more now than anything.

Let's read the story about our first kiss, I mean that's if you want to, you don't have to though, it's up to you.

[Bye now.]

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