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The entire day was an absolute mess and disappointment. Jimin practiced his light manipulation throughout the day with his trainers, but fainted each time. By the tenth time, he was embarrassed out of his mind and had to rush outside to avoid the sympathetic eyes of his trainer. He was the crown prince, after all, and the heir to the throne. Why couldn't he be as skilled a light manipulator as his father before him? He doubted if he ever would be fit for the crown he was to inherit.

He found solace in the royal garden, away from prying eyes. The lush greenery and vibrant flowers did little to lift his spirits. He sat on a stone bench, his head in his hands, the weight of his failures pressing heavily on his shoulders. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over everything, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside him.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the footsteps approaching until a familiar voice broke the silence. "Hyung," Jihyun called softly, concern evident in his tone.

Jimin looked up, forcing a smile. "Hey, Jihyun."

Jihyun sat beside him, his face etched with worry. "I heard what happened. Are you okay?"

Jimin sighed deeply. "I don't know, Jihyun. I'm supposed to be the crown prince, the heir to Lumina. Yet I can't even control my powers without fainting. How am I supposed to lead our people?"

Jihyun placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "You're more than just your powers, Jimin. You're kind, wise, and strong. Those are qualities of a great leader too."

Jimin shook his head. "But in Lumina, the strength of our powers defines us. If I can't even perform the ceremonial lighting of the flame tomorrow, how can I expect anyone to follow me?"

Jihyun was silent for a moment, then spoke with determination. "I think you're trying too hard and exhausting yourself. You should get  some rest. You deserve it. We'll figure it out together in the morning. You're not alone in this. Father believes in you, and so do I."

Jimin's eyes welled up with tears. "Thank you, Jihyun. It means a lot to hear that."

Jihyun smiled warmly. "Always, Hyung. We'll get through this. And remember, you have people who care about you and will support you no matter what."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the garden in twilight, Jimin felt a renewed sense of resolve. He wasn't alone in his struggles.


Sleep did not come easily to him. He lay in his bed, tossing and turning. Even though he was bone-tired from hours of practice, sleep still remained elusive. As he tried to close his eyes in frustration for the umpteenth time, a pair of glossy white eyes flashed before him. It sent jolts of shock down his spine, and he sat up abruptly. "The prisoner," he whispered.

Suddenly, Kim Taehyung's rich baritone voice echoed in his mind. "You'll be the one executing me, Park Jimin. I will die at your hands."

What did he mean by that? Was he really meant to kill someone? But why? He had no connection with the prisoner, hadn't even met him before the previous night, nor did he know he existed until recently. Then why was he thrust with the responsibility of ending his life? Was Kim Taehyung trying to get into his head?

As a thousand questions bombarded his mind, Jimin groaned out loud in frustration. "I have to meet him," he decided. Determined, he changed out of his sleeping robes and into something more suitable for a late-night visit to the tower.

He moved silently through the dimly lit hallways of the castle, careful not to draw any attention. The weight of his unresolved thoughts and the mystery of Kim Taehyung's words propelled him forward. He had to understand what was going on, and the only way to do that was to confront the prisoner again.

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