Not just one story.

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After Nikolai left Otis the rat hybrid was once again left alone. He was left thinking of the story.

But he's not the only one in this part of the facility. So why don't we look at what's happening outside of Otis's cell in the nearby vents?

A certain otter hybrid is not as convinced to obediently show up again after the power's been turned on again. He worked hard to shut it down it the first place. Why would he just come back after all his hard work.

The otter boy- Eliot, is staying nice and quiet. Hidden away in the big shafts of the ventilation system, as the scientists frantically search through the facility in a attempt to find all the hiding hybrids.

He can hear the search dogs barking and jumping as they snap their jaws at the last hybrid they found.

Bloodthirsty teeth hoping to sink into fresh flesh.

Eliot can feel the metal shift under himself as he moves, all that he can do it hope it will hold his weight.

But with the way it creaks he knows he won't be lucky today. And he isn't.

He feels the metal give out under his weight, and falls below. Landing pretty hard on the ground.


Otis gets a good scare as there's suddenly a creaking sound and then something, or rather something falls right on top of him. Taking Otis down with them at the sudden weight.

The crash sending strong sparks of pain up his spine, the stitches on his stomach feeling like a hot branding iron on his skin.

Eliot immediately stands up, ready for a fight. But when he sees the person he dropped on is also a hybrid he kneels next to Otis. Checking on if the other is alright.

"Hey... you okay? Are you friendly?" Eliot carefully asked.

Otis just stares up at him, where the fuck did he come from. Man I was just chilling in my room after a near death encounter and I get knocked the fuck down by a vent.

Otis slowly nods after a moment. And Eliot helps him stand back up.

"Sooo.... What's your name?" Eliot asked carefully.

Otis just stares at him for a bit. Shit. This is gonna be one hell of a conversation when only one can speak. huh.

"Do you not speak?" Eliot spoke, keeping his voice relatively low so he isn't heard by any possible scientists outside the room.

The rat hybrid shakes his head no. Bit embarrassed by the fact.

Eliot seeing Otis's embarrassment is quick to speak again. "Well don't worry about it too much! My name is Eliot, nice to meet you... umm.. I'll just give you a nickname!"

Otis is unsure but doesn't protest in any way. So Eliot just goes ahead and continues. "I'm gonna call you... ehhh.. Ratatouille. Lets just go with ratatouille for now." Eliot grins.

Otis is quick to try shutting down that idea, giving Eliot a harsh whack over the head. Causing Eliot to slightly stumble.

"Hey! That wasn't very nice!" Eliot said in a amused whisper but shuts up once noticing Otis's agitated glare.

"Alright! Lets go ratatouille, we have a train to catch, friend!" Eliot says as he grabs Otis's hand. Leaving Otis hella confused.

What fucking train, where is Eliot going? Doesn't he live here too? Outside the facility it's supposed to be a dead wasteland, or at least that's what the scientists say..

Eliot stands under the vent. Helping Otis climb up into it, then waits to be helped up as well by Otis in return. Otis is acting on pure instinct.

Lending Eliot a helping hand, careful not to pull at his stitches with the action. Eliot seems pleased to not be left behind, ruffling Otis's hair as he speaks. "Thanks ratatouille."

For a while crawling in the vents. But then Otis snap back to his senses. Why would he escape. It's worse outside.. right? Why does he trust Eliot so quickly?

He's once again brought out of his thoughts by the fire alarm going off. Otis panicks at the sudden loud noise and grabs onto Eliot.

Eliot pulls him closer. Whispering "hey. Hey. It's fine. Ignore it."

Otis clasps his hands around his ears. And Eliot starts whispering again. Attempting to calm the panicked hybrid down. "Hey. We'll be okay. Just calm down, buddy."

Yeah but things don't seam all that okay when air smells like smoke that burns your lungs with each inhale. The ventilation system is fogged up with smoke. Making it difficult to see properly.

Otis rubs his eyes as he coughs hard, struggling to get a proper breath in. His eyes sting and he's getting dizzy from the lack of fresh air.

It seams like smoke inhalation has caught up to Eliot as well. The otter hybrid is practically coughing his lungs out. (Not literally)

Otis's vision starts to fade to black as he desperately claws at the walls of the ventilation shaft with his hands.

He can see few sets of bright red sparkling eyes nearing them quickly, staring right at them. That's when he passes out.

But enough of that, you might be wondering why there was a fire in the first place.

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