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It was a beautiful sunny day. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, a guy like riki should be enjoying his summer break.
Ring ring!
Riki groaned, ignoring his phone as he went back to sleep. But the ringing wouldn't stop, and finally riki reached over for his phone, getting the call over with so he can get back to dreamland.
"Nishimura riki! You're still in bed aren't you? I knew letting you move out was a bad idea, get your lazy bum up and get ready for school!"
Riki sat up, an automatic reaction to his mom yelling. Did she have to yell? At this point riki might go deaf.

"Mom, I graduated from highschool, remember? It's summer breakkk, relax." Riki said calmly.
"....riki, what day do you start college?" She asked,
"Oh, on xx/xx! Why?"
"And what day is it today?"
Riki raised a brow, what does that have to do with anything. Looking over at his calendar, he casually answered his mom.
"Today is xx/xx!"


"Wait-OH SHIT!"
Scrambling to get up, riki quickly ran into the bathroom in a panic. His mom sighed, she was just happy that her son managed to get into a college.
After brushing his teeth, changing clothes and doing his hair all at the same time, riki grabbed his bag, threw on a pair of headphones and rushed out the door.
Perfect! Just enough time to get to college. Thank god he begged for a motorcycle for his birthday or else he would be late on his first day!
He needed to thank his mom later, riki thought as he confidently make his way towards the bike. But, riki felt liked he was forgetting something...

As the male checked his pocket for the keys, he realized he had forgotten it on his desk.


"Urgh, late on the first day and I got lost, just great." Riki groaned, still tired from all the running he did. He knew college would be bigger than high school but come on, how the hell did riki manage to find the swimming pool before his classroom.
"Riki is worried about being late? Now that isn't something you see often." Jake joked. It was true, knowing his reputation in highschool. Its a bit cliché, but Riki was your typical bad boy. He was tall, handsome, in the basketball team and is a known player. Not to mention, the teachers hated him.
"Like I care, I just don't want my mom to worry. Do you know how hard it was to convince her to let me have my own apartment?" The Japanese said to his friends. It took days until his mom finally agreed, and riki can't let one late day change that.

"Whatever mama's boy. Anyways, got your eyes set on anyone yet? Since you got your own apartment now, Getting laid would be so much easier." Heeseung wiggled his eyebrows playfully at Riki, a smudge grin on his face.
"You bet, Although I haven't really seen anyone I'm interested in yet." It was kinda hard to notice anyone when riki was 30 minutes late to class.
"Damn, the first day and you're already thinking about sex. Meanwhile I'm just hoping to accidentally run into someone in the hall way and fall in love while I help them pick up their books" jake said dreamily, making both heeseung and Riki cringe.
How the hopeless romantic jake make friends with a fuck boy like riki was beyond him. The three known each other since highschool, and somehow got into the same college as each other. All three of them were alphas, and attractive ones too. Back in highschool, everyone knew the name nishimura riki. The Japanese made himself a name by hooking up with people and leaving them the next day. He slept around a lot, proud of his flirting skills and body count. And Riki didn't discriminate either, fucking both omegas and betas.

"Jake, you really need to lay off the drugs, it's making you delusional." Jake frown at heeseung's words, before the two got into a debate session. Riki was going to join in on the teasing, until someone caught his eye.

"Guys, look." Riki pointed, making the two shut up and turn their head to see what riki was looking at.

"That guy with the large biceps? Wow, I didn't know you like gym rats riks." Heeseung raised a brow at riki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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