It's your birthday :D

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 Your Bestfriend POV

its (Y/N)'s birthday tomorrow im going to surprise her by giving her a 5SOS ticket, i cant wait to see her face !!. Actually im a calum girl and she's a ashton girl and i wish we will see them close cause this ticket isnt VIP were a poor people heheh not actually poor its just average . So yeah im giving the ticket to her later cause the concert is tomorrow,i cant wait!.

Your POV

You take your phone at your side and unlock it. "(Y/BestFriend/N) didnt call or text me maybe she's******"then you laugh at you your crazy thought.Your doing your assignments and projects at your bedroom cause your a good girl.After an hour or so you finish all of your assignments and projects you get up from your bed and decide to go down. Your walking down the hall suddenly your sister interrupt you."Hey" she greeted happily.Then she handed you a meduim size box."What's this?" you asked confused."Open it" she said excitingly.You look at her then look at the box and smiled.You begin opening the box.The first thing you saw are two 5SOS T-shirtand some 5sos merch.You hugged her and immediately asked her."Why are you giving this box full of goodies? did i do a good thing cuz i remember i havent done  good thing  to you" you added a hint of confusion on your voice.Your sister laugh until she cant breath.Your face confused.Your sister stop laughing."Are you crazy or what? its your birthday tomorrow!"she laughed."Dang! "you smack your forehead"I totally forget it"you said."Oh well thanks for the gift" you said happily."oh i forgot why so early?" you asked."I have a business tip tomorrow" she said simply."Oh,hmmm im going to (Y/bestfriend/N)'s house" you said."Okay"she said."And tell mom" you added."i will" she said.

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