Is Ethan Really Alive ??

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Eva is on The MASKED boy's Soft hands ...... The MASKED boy speaks up by breaking up the silence the house ....

The MASKED boy (in a deep soft voice) - Eva !...... Eva !.... Ms.Eva !

Eva came into concious Mind ..... Slightly open her eyes and found herself in the hands of The MASKED Boy .... On laying His hands Eva asked ....

Eva - Who are you !!

The MASKED boy- Hi!My name is David

Eva Lost In his hazle green eyes which is seen from the Mask 🎭 ...

Eva Lost In his hazle green eyes which is seen from the Mask 🎭

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Eva - Beautiful!!

David - Eva ! You are Laying on my hands will you Stand up ??

Eva Hastily stood up

[ David was tall ,had Muscled Arms ,curly black hairs ]
Eva (Nervously) - I .... I..I'm .... I am sorry ..... I am Sorry David ....

David holds her palm gentle but tight and told romantically.....

David - why are you becoming so nervous???

On the beautiful moment of them Ethan came from back And Shouted .....

Ethan - Evaaaaaa !!!!!
[voice ecod ]

Eva turned back and David leave her hand and just walk away ....

Ethan( Serious voice) - What were you doing??

Eva (normal) - What ? What were I doing means ??

Ethan - Just now, what were you doing ?

Eva - Just now means ?

Ethan - Why are you acting like you are not understanding??

Eva - haha ! What acting? Can you say me in Simple Words ??

Ethan- Why were you 2 holding each other's hand ??

Eva (Disturbed) - Why are you being possessive ??? I was just felling down for dizziness and He helped me not to fall ..... That's it !!!...

Ethan - So , how much time it takes you to stand up straight ???

Eva shocked because of seeing Ethan's possessiveness in the eyes and behaviour ....

Eva ( Angrily ) - listen , you don't have any right to talk with me like this ..... Still now my parents didn't talk with me like this ..... And Where the hell you came and talking like this tone and thinking that I will not going tell anything???

By saying this Eva left !

Ethan (Possesive voice) - YOU ARE ONLY MINE

And saying that he blinks and his eyes turned into

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