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I haven't edited this so if anyone finds any mistakes please point them out to me. It would be really helpful. Thanks. :)


I chose a cute little cafe not too far from Jefferson academy. The place held an aura of peace and calm with baby blue walls decorated with white quotes painted in silver, white wooden chairs and tables spaced evenly in the well sized shop. It captivated me from the first glance.

"Why are we here?" Parker asks, not hiding his distaste.

"Sit" I order, heading to the counter to order us a coffee each. The cashier eyes me oddly as I order four large drinks and make my way back to where Parker sits, a scowl on his face.

"Cheer up, princess" I laugh, sliding into the seat across from him. He continues to scowl, letting it slowly morph into a puppy like pout as I take hold of his hands, running my thumb over his knuckles.

"How long do we have to stay for?" He whines as we continue to wait, making jokes and talking about whatever comes to mind.

"They should be here any-" I'm cut off by Lee slumping into the chair next to Parker. He looks horrible to say in the least. His hair is a mess, sticking to the sweat on his forehead, there's dark bags under his eyes and they've lost that mischievous sparkle, leaving them a bland shade of blue. He's sporting a large dark blue hoodie that would normally make his blue eyes sparkle, which he keeps pulled over his hands.

"Speak of the devil" Parker attempts to joke, but the distress is evident in his voice. He eyes Lee in worry as I greet McKenna, who looks beautiful as always. "Why are we here?" Parker repeats for what seems like the hundredth time this morning.

"You're an ass." I clarify. "We're here for you to apologise to McKenna and realise that she is only looking out for Lee's best interest." I sit back in my seat, sipping my peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is good. Zero calories, very filling which reduces the need to eat, and Parker doesn't know any better.

"There's no need for that" McKenna assured, obviously feeling bad about me dragging everyone out here for her.

"Yes" I argue "There is." I turn to Parker, who sits watching me with curiosity.

"Does this really mean that much to you?" he asks me, grabbing ahold of my hand, his cold stare softening.

"It means a lot to all of us" I promise, gesturing to Lee and McKenna. Lee sits slumped back in his chair, arms folded over his chest, his gaze on the coffee sat in front of him.

"Alright" Parker reluctantly agrees. "What do you need to know?"

McKenna looks at me in awe, her mouth dropped.

Laughing lightly, I turn my gaze to Lee who is yet to speak, his eyes still focused on his untouched coffee.

"Lee? Can we talk for a minute?" I ask, not giving him a chance to answer as I stand from my chair. "Be nice." I instruct Parker before leaving, Lee trailing unenthusiastically behind me.

We sit on a wooden park bench in front of the cafe silently watching the traffic drive by.

"Peppermint tea" Lee states, his eyes not leaving the road.

"Yeah" I mutter "Have you tried it? It's really good..."

Lee moves his gaze towards me, his look knowing and wise. "It's also got zero calories and I know for a fact you didn't put any sugar in it."

I'm shocked at his comment. Not because I was shocked at his straight forwardness or that I didn't think he'd know this- it's Lee, he knows everything- but that he didn't seem disappointed or use sarcasm that he knows would make me feel bad, even if he didn't try to.

Jefferson Lake- One Shot. (Emily.)Where stories live. Discover now