Chapter 1: 16-22 Years Old

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Puck and Lily

After Kara finished teaching me, we parted ways. On my way back home, I encountered two Fey. One was a feminine looking boy. The other was a cute girl. I walked over to them

"Hello, I'm Yukiro. What's your names?"

"I'm Lily, and my brother there is Puck." She says quite energetic. I thought sugar was limited around here...

"Hello... nice to meet you..." Puck seems to be the shy one. He might be hard to get along with.

"Why don't you join us? I haven't seen you around... do you not have any friends?'

"Lily... that's rude!" Puck chimes in. I guess he has a good heart, but it's kinda true what Lily said.

"Puck, it's fine. And I don't exactly, but I have to head home anyway. How about I join you guys some other time?"

"Sounds wonderful! Looks like we'll be your first friends!" Lily seems happy.

I decided to head home. When I walk through the door, my mom chimes in. "Welcome home, Yuki! How was training?"

"We are finished training now, and please drop that name... it's embarrassing."

"Awe, come on. Not even your mother can give you a nickname?" After her words, I head up to my room and by time until my father comes home.

I hear the front door open and rush downstairs. My father stands in the doorway. I hug my father as he enters the house. He smiles and pats my head. "Seems like you had a long day. Come on, let's go eat." He tells me.

I follow him to the dining room and grab my seat. My father speaks up. "Is Kara not joining us tonight, Yukiro?"

"No... I finished my training today. We won't be seeing her for a while."

My father's head perks up for a moment. "Oh? Do you want to see the common relm then?"

"What? You want to take our son to that dangerous place?"

"Why not? He's trained now, so why don't we give him the opportunity for experience?" He looks over at me. "Your choice. Depending on what happens, it could be quite dangerous."

"Sounds fun! When will we be leaving?"

"Hmm... next week. We have to get you proper gear after all."

"Okay, I'll be ready."

A few days later, I spot Lily and Puck playing again. Me and my father were on our way back from buying equipment. "Hey father, can I go play with those two?"

"Go ahead. I'll get this stuff home. Be back before dark." I smile at him and rush over the Lily and Puck.

It is at this point where my vision goes dark. I open my eyes again and I am at my house. Why am I here? I go downstairs to where my parents are. Who are currently very stressed. "What happened?"

"Yukiro... Lily is dead..."

"Wha- Huh?!" Lily? What the hell happened?!

"We were told by Puck... that shadows surrounded her and suffocated her..." It seems they are hiding something from me, best not to push it.

I go out for a walk in the town. I seem to be getting dirty looks, but I don't think it was my fault... did I do something wrong?

On the outskirts of the village, I find a pipefox. I decided to spend the day taming it and making it my familiar. "A name? How about... Yukiko."


My 19th birthday has rolled around. I haven't finished coping with Lily's death, but I've made some progress. I naturally invited Puck as I thought we were still friends.

As everyone entered the house, it seemed Puck was hiding something. I brushed it off, thinking it wasn't anything bad.

As I was about to blow out the candles, Puck jumped on the table and lunged at me with a dagger. My father jumped in front of me, taking the dagger to the neck. I watched his body turn pale and his eyes devoid of life. At this moment, I lost control.

I cast wildfire at an intense level. It caused many mild burns to everyone around me, but instantly incinerated my father's corpse and burned Puck alive. At some point, I dispelled the spell and fell to my knees. I couldn't control the tears. My father, Paul, as everyone knew him, had died... My only father... The only person I looked up to had passed.

At some point, I locked myself away in my room. I couldn't come to terms with anything. Not even my Pipefox could help me. I just kept muttering the same words over and over again. "It wasn't my fault... It wasn't my fault... It wasn't my-"

For the first time in three years, a figure appeared in my room. It wasn't someone I knew, though, so I ran out of the room and downstairs out of fear. I then glance around in shock. Nothing had changed...

My mother looks at me in shock and hugs me. "Yukiro! You came out! I was so worried..."

"Mom... I'm... I'm so sorry..." Tears start to roll down my face uncontrollably. I seem to have bottled up my emotions for quite a long time.

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