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Hello!! Thanks for choosing to read this book. Writing has always been in my blood, but crippling adhd has quite a chokehold on my leisure activities, but hopefully this story will at least have some structure to it before I forget about it completely.

I haven't got a casting for this story because I want you all to visualise the characters in a way that is unique and special to you. I'll add a description of the characters here, but beware that there is a likelihood that some details will change and evolve as the story goes on :)

22, 5'7
Blue eyes, light auburn hair
Place of Residence: Applewood Farm, Deerstone

23, 6'2
Hazel eyes, dark brown hair
Place of Residence: Heartstone Hollow, Heartstone
Previous Place of Residence: Heather Farm, Deerstone


Any resemblance between my characters, storyline, plots etc and real people or scenarios is purely coincidental. Although some moments may be influenced by Taylor Swift lyrics (sorry not sorry), all ideas come from the deep dark depths of my imagination.


There will be dark themes and mentions of uncomfortable themes and situation that some readers may find triggering. Please read on at your discretion. All the characters are going to be made as humanly as possible so there will be cringe moments and times when you want to punch your screen.


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