The Bridezilla Has Arrive

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"I'm here! Now the party can officially start," the Queen of the Hour is still the Queen of Mean from middle school. I look around, glancing at the Rappaport family as well as my family frowning and grimacing at the woman who is crashing Mason and Terri's engagement party to make her presence all about her.

"Matty-poo, can you give me a drink? I'm too hot and fabulous to do it myself." Tabitha asks.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." Matthew replies and gives her a kiss on her temple before he goes to get her a drink.

"Oh, no! I didn't bring my bathing suit with me," she whines as I roll my eyes upwards. Just shut up already!

Matthew returns with a drink. "Here you go, my fiancee." 

Tabitha looks at the cup quizzically. "Matthew, what is this?" Tabitha queries at the red plastic cup with the white rim.

"It's a cup, babe." Matthew answers.

"Are there any flute or coupe glasses in the kitchen?"

"Flute or couple glasses? Tabitha, this is a pool party/engagement party. We only have those red plastic cups. You remember these cups, do you, Tabitha?"

"I remember those cups so well," Tabitha trails with distaste lacing in her voice. "Where are the people that are helping plan our wedding," Tabitha queries, glancing around before her eyes land on me. She lifts her sunglasses from her eyes to the crown of her long light ash blonde hair. "Who are you?"

"This is Flora. Tabitha, you remember Flora from Conniston Middle School, don't you?" Matthew starts. Tabitha shifts her head, glancing from Matthew to me, earning a double look. 

"Flora Fairchild, isn't it?"

I turn to see Tabitha standing a few feet away, her eyes narrowed in that way people do when they're sizing you up. My heart skips a beat. I haven't seen her since fourteen years ago and honestly, I was hoping to keep it that way.

"Yes, Tabitha Mann?" I reply, keeping my voice neutral, though a part of me wishes I could just vanish into the crowd.

She steps closer, her high heels clicking against the concrete, and for a moment, I'm back in Conniston Middle School. Tabitha was that girl—the one who always had something to say, something to prove, and I was just a girl focusing in poetry and Matthew's best friend, trying to avoid her radar. Looks like I didn't do a great job back then, and I'm not doing much better now.

"I remember you from school. Always thought you were...interesting." The word hangs in the air between us, dripping with unspoken meaning. I can tell she's measuring her words, trying to keep her cool. But I also see the flicker of insecurity in her eyes. She's threatened, though I can't understand why.

"I thought so," she says, her voice saccharine sweet, but there's an edge to it. "Matthew didn't tell me you were here."

"Yeah, Matthew and I go way back," I say, forcing a smile. "We've been best friends since forever."

Tabitha's smile tightens.

"It's nice that you two have stayed so close," she adds, though it's clear the words are forced.

"It is," I agree, not offering her much to work with. There's no point in making this harder than it needs to be, but something tells me Tabitha isn't about to let this go easily.

She glances around, as if making sure no one else is listening, before leaning in slightly. "You know, Flora, I'm really grateful to have Matthew in my life. We're getting married in three weeks, and it's important to me that nothing—or no one—comes between us."

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