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Rachel🎀:Dude I got stalked last night and met P1Harmony😭😭😭

Taki🥰:I want some pizza Alien child what do you want

Alien👽:I want Potato🥔

🎀Hoe🎀:Oh my sweet baby I will get you some fries....Wait Say what Rachel you got stalked last night and ran into P1Harmony...Holy shit hope your doing alright

Rachel🎀:Yeah I'm fine

🎀Hoe🎀:Okay great to hear....You dumbasses seriously went over the fact she was literally stalked😒🙄

Taki🥰:My bad hope your okay Rachel

Rachel🎀:Oh I'm fine☺️

Added by fate ||Jongseob x fem reader||Where stories live. Discover now