Chapter 27

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"I'm so fed up of studying," Bosco whines as she flops down onto Daya. His strong arms tighten around her, pulling her closer as they lay on the bed. She feels his warm breath against her neck, and it sends a shiver down her spine.

"It'll all be worth it when you smash your exam tomorrow baby," Daya says softly, stroking a stray hair from her face behind her ear. She melts into his touch, "you're right, as usual." She smirks, standing up again and going back over to the desk to keep studying.

Her phone buzzes, and she looks at it. It's her dad. "Everything okay?" Daya calls over. Bosco reads out the text, "Hey kiddo, Irene's been invited to a pool party tonight, and she needs her new bathing suits. I don't know how to give them to her without it being awkward."

"Ugh" Bosco whines, "there's no way I can go home today I have far too much studying to do."

Daya looks over at her, his eyes thoughtful. "I could go and see Irene if it would be any help," he offers, his voice low.

Bosco turns to him, her eyes wide with surprise. "Really? You'd do that?" she asks, her voice hopeful.

Daya nods, his eyes never leaving hers. "Of course," he says, his voice firm. "You know I'd do anything for you."

Bosco's heart swells with love for him. "You're the best," she whispers, leaning in to kiss him softly. It's a kiss filled with gratitude, with the unspoken promise that she'll always be there for him, too.

Daya smiles against her lips, his arms wrapping around her waist. "It's nothing," he says, his voice a little gruff.

Bosco pulls away, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Daya," she whispers, her voice a little shaky. She grabs her phone and quickly types out a message to her dad. "Daya's on his way over to see Irene. Tell her she's got the best brother in law in the world."

Daya chuckles, standing up from the bed. He stretches, his muscles flexing, and heads over to the closet to grab a clean shirt. "So, what's the story?" he asks, his voice a little teasing. "Why does she need new bikinis again?"

Bosco looks up from her book, a blush staining her cheeks. "They're for...modesty," she says, her voice a little defensive. "They have a bit of padding, so she's not so exposed."

Daya nods, understanding. "Got it," he says, his voice gentle. "I'll just tell her that you thought they'd be more comfortable for her, that's all."

Bosco nods, her eyes on his. "Good luck with that," she says smiling.

Daya chuckles. "Oh Thanks," he says, slipping his shirt on over his head. Before kissing Bosco and heading out of the dorm.

The drive to Bosco's old family home is a short one, but it feels like forever. His heart races as he thinks about what he's about to do. He used to come over unannounced and alone all the time as a kid, but this was different now.

He pulls up to the house, the lights on in the windows casting a warm glow onto the driveway. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what's to come. As he walks up to the door, he hears the sound of Mr. Blair's laughter coming from inside.

Daya knocks, and the door swings open, revealing Mr. Blair's broad smile. "Daya! My boy!" he says, his eyes lighting up. "Come on in."

Irene comes bounding down the stairs, her eyes wide with excitement. "Daya!" she squeals, launching herself into his arms. He catches her easily, spinning her around. "What are you doing here?"

"Surprise," he says, grinning down at her. "Your sister sent me to talk to you about something."

Mr. Blair looks at him with a knowing smile. "Ah, yes," he says, his eyes twinkling. "The bikinis." He mouths, "they're upstairs" he mouths again with a slight wink and with that Daya tells Irene to head upstairs with him.

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