Chapter 28

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The sun starts to peek through the blinds, casting a soft glow over the room. Bosco's eyes flutter open, and she looks up at Daya who she's nuzzled in to. "Good morning," she whispers, her voice still thick with sleep.

Daya opens his eyes, smiling back down at her. "Morning baby," he says, his voice a little gruff. "You've got a big day ahead of you."

Bosco nods, sitting up in bed. She's still in her pajamas, her hair a mess of curls around her face. She looks over at the clock, her heart racing. "Oh my god, it's already 7," she says, her voice panicked. "I need to get ready."

Daya sits up, too, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Take your time," he says, his voice gentle. "You've studied enough."

But she's already out of bed, pulling on her clothes. He watches her, his heart aching a little. He wishes he could do more to ease her nerves, to take the pressure off of her.

"You're going to do great," he says, his voice firm. "Just remember, I'm here for you."

Bosco turns to him, her eyes shining with love. "Thanks, Daya," she says, her voice a little shaky. She leans in and kisses him, a sweet, lingering kiss that says everything she can't put into words.

When she pulls away, she's smiling, a little more relaxed. "I'm going to nail this, I need to manifest!" she says, her voice filled with determination.

Daya nods, his eyes never leaving hers. "I know you will," he says, his voice full of belief. "Now go kick some academic ass."

With that, she grabs her bag and heads out the door, leaving him alone in the quiet room. He watches her go, feeling a strange mix of pride and sadness. He wishes he could go with her, hold her hand as she walks into that exam hall. But he knows she's got this.

Daya flops back down onto the bed, his body heavy with exhaustion. He's got a day off from soccer practice, and he's going to make the most of it by catching up on some much-needed sleep. He stretches out, his muscles protesting slightly after the tension of the night before. The warmth of the sheets feel like heaven against his skin, and he closes his eyes, letting out a contented sigh.b

But his mind is racing with thoughts of Bosco, how he wishes she was next to him right now. He decides enough is enough and he pulls out his phone.

But as he scrolls through it, his mind starts to wander. The notifications are endless, a sea of messages and friend requests from girls he's never met. He tries to ignore them, but they're a stark reminder of the photos and the way people are seeing him now. He feels a little guilty, knowing how much it's been weighing on Bosco's mind.

With a sigh, he decides it's time to post a picture of them. It's a 2 picture post with one photo from when they were kids, grinning at the camera with their arms around each other, and one from the other day, taken right before a party. In the recent picture, she's leaning into him, her eyes sparkling with love and trust. They look so comfortable and it seems like such a natural progression.

The caption comes to him easily: "She's always been the one." It's simple, but it says everything he wants to. He hits post, watching as the little button turns blue and the photo uploads. It's a declaration to the world, a way to remind everyone, and maybe himself, what's truly important.

The minutes tick by, and his phone starts to buzz with likes and comments. Most of them are from their friends, but some are from those same girls who've been messaging him. They're saying things like "aww, so cute!" and "relationship goals!" But it's the direct messages that catch his eye. They're all variations of the same thing: "shes so lucky to have you," "How do I get a guy like you?" and "Can I get a chance?"

(All) Star crossed lovers - Dayasco Where stories live. Discover now