In Denial

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Pan's POV:

We haven't talked in a while. When we do, it's me giving her orders and her rolling her eyes and walking away. Lately, the only way I can hear her voice is when she's talking to the other boys. She doesn't even beg me to leave her alone, but she doesn't have to. Max only leaves the camp when she wants to sleep in her tree. The total silence towards me would usually make me really frustrated, however, I didn't mind it at the moment.

We were both in denial.

There's an small, quiet noise outside my cabin. I opened my eyes, pulling away from my thoughts when I realized it was someone knocking on the door. There's no light coming out the window, it's late. I knew exactly who was on the other side of the door.

I stood up and raced to where the noise came from. My hand, shaky from excitement, gradually reached for the door knob and forcefully pulled it towards me. A sly smirk slid across my face.

"What a surprise! Hello Max. How can I help you?" I welcomed politely.
She was quiet at first, but still made eye contact. She was deep in thought. Eventually, Max spoke up.
"Do you mind if I come in?" She asked as if the words burned her throat as she spoke them.
"What for?" I dramatically worried.
"I was hoping we could talk," Her nervous voice choked.
I pulled the door so it was completely open and I was no longer blocking the entrance. She carefully stepped inside and made her way toward the bed. She sat down with caution.

"About the kiss?" I assumed, almost cheerfully.
"That's not exactly what I had in mind.." She spoke with nervous hesitation. I shut the door completely and leaned against it.
"You don't want to talk about our little moment? Are you embarrassed?" I urged teasingly.
"I'm not embarrassed, why would you think... Never mind, it doesn't matter. I was going to ask..." She defensively switch subjects.
"It doesn't matter to you?" I interrupted in disbelief.
"Not really, can I continue?" She spoke with frustration.
"Ouch, don't you think that's sort of harsh?" I pointed out, completely avoiding the reason she came back to me. She doesn't honestly expect me to pretend it never happened, does she?

"It's not like you can care, you literally don't have a heart, Pan." She snapped coldly.
I smirked and gracefully made my way over to her.
"That's not really what you thought of it, why are you denying the truth?" I mused.
"What truth?!" She frustratedly barked between clenched teeth.
I came closer to her and sat on the bed, my left side rubbing against her right side. She denied looking at me.
"I know you liked it." My voice gentle, but meaningful.
Her jaw tightened, her eyebrows lifted, and her burning eyes darted towards me.
"You're wrong. The truth is that you tried to make me break the rules, your rules, but I didn't. It was meaningless..." She spat.

"But you still liked it," I urged.
She sighed, "Do you want an honest answer? Or would that offend you?" She played. "Look, I don't care about some stupid kiss, it doesn't matter. What does matter is why I came here, or were you so obsessed with.." She stopped short.
"Obsessed with what?" I questioned with a hint of a warning in my voice.
"Your ego." Max muttered.
My shoulders became tense, and I shot a judging look at her. "Don't get so offended." She muttered quietly. She decided to switch the subject. Usually I wouldn't let this slide, but I was growing curious as to what she came here for.
"Um.. Okay, so I was wondering if maybe we could, you know, change a few things with your battle plans?" Max sheepishly smiled while asking this.
"Why would I change it? And what would I change it to?" I questioned.

"I talked to some of the boys and we think that we should avoid killing a bunch of strangers, but we could still get you your heart." She informed me. "That can't happen. It won't work." I cut in calmly, protecting my original plan.
"We think it will, just hear me out." She looked stressed, she was probably tired. It was fairly late, and most likely she didn't expect to have only had so little of her conversation started.
"Pan, the boys want to send someone undercover, and I'm volunteering. I could get a fake ID and work at the same place as the man who stole your heart, or I could..." She looked a bit more excited now than she was before.

I scoffed at the idea. "That plan won't work."
"Why not? Pan can you at least give the idea a shot, please?" She begged.

"Max, it was the family of the one who has my heart that took it from me. Just getting the heart won't stop them from coming after us. They know how to get to Neverland."
"Not if they don't know it was you." She smirked. "I'll work with him, invite him over for coffee or something and you take what you want so we can go. They'll think it was me or we could frame someone else." She had a pretty good idea, but I'm sure that if she finds out how young Henry is, she might change her mind.
"If what you said was true, about how they killed you and don't know you're alive, than they won't suspect you. They won't come to Neverland. The boys won't get hurt and neither will any innocent people who just happen to choose that side." She let out a large yawn.
"Max, you should go to bed. We can talk about this in the morning." I smirked. She was beginning to stand when I grabbed her hand gently.
"Stay here tonight, it's a lot more comfortable than any tree." I soothed. She nodded her head in agreement and fell down on the bed. I stood up and tucked her in. She looked so peaceful.
"Good night Max."

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