Our Adventure

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Third Person POV:

Max had a decision for the first time in a while. She'd never thought of leaving as a decision, more as an obligation. She felt the need to go back home, but she also had the desire to return to Neverland.
"What about you? We only have one bean, my world is too different from the world you live in.." Max squinted as she questioned Mason.
"I could stay here, like I never left." He said with a gloomy frown as he suddenly realized this could be the last time he would ever see Max.
"Pan would come looking for us." Max began thinking things through. She wanted to make sure this wouldn't back fire. Mason lit up like a flame on a candle stick.
"Then I could go with you! We could live together!" Mason happily offered.
"Mason, my world is so different... And my parents wouldn't allow it. There are just too many reasons why that wouldn't work out." Max was uncomfortable with the thought of Mason living with her. But she knew he also wouldn't have enough time to get caught up with society, it wouldn't work out, and he would become a burden on her parents.

"Fine, you go. Pan will come back for me and I'll go to Neverland. I'll cover for you, tell him you died or something.." Mason offered. He had an overcoming desire to make her happy, as if he thought it would make her feel the same way he felt for her. But he couldn't admit it.
"But if I go, Pan'll fight them. He'll be too angry to do it my way." Max began to feel like she would take any excuse to stay. She couldn't leave when she was so close to the end of her journey.
"Let's go back to Neverland. Pan's probably waiting for us." Max said, feeling her sore back ache as she turned around to walk deeper in the forest.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mason asked as Max was beginning to walk away.
"What?" She swiftly spun to face him.
"We came here to get two things, we only have one." Mason explained dryly.
"We don't even know what to look for.." Max puzzled.
"But we know what it does... follow me!" And Mason tore away from the forest, with Max tailing close behind.

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Pan's POV

When I arrived at the island, the shadow tore away from me and disappeared among the clouds. My sore back began to slowly prick as it healed. The islands magic was strong enough to regenerate the tissues on my back, plus the potion was wearing off, so I helped a tad.
I stretched the ache in my back once it had finished it's recovery, absorbing the cool air as it sent darts on my bare chest. The boys must feel the breeze too, fore in the distance I could see smoke rising out of the forest. Hopefully whatever they'd made for supper is still fresh, if there are any left overs, that is.
I took a slow jog threw the bundle of trees, recognizing every tree and stone. It was refreshing to be back, and to get some exercise. My pace slowed into a casual, brisk walk as I noticed a better view of the camp. The boys were huddled in a group chanting and arguing in a calibration of noise. Then all at once, they faced me, all went pale, shock in their eyes, not a word whispered in the wind, until finally, one brave sole piped the tiniest peep. "Here he comes."

- - - - - - - - - -

Mason's POV:

Swiftly, we glided across the village, avoiding structures and villagers towards a tiny little shack that rested farther away from the others, near the corner of the village. It was my home, I used to live here with my aunty Helena. She was a witch of kinds, she always knew what brew to boil.
Max latched onto my sleeve, forcing me to face her.
"What do you think you're doing? What if someone's in there!!!" She violently whispered.
"Right, what was I thinking?" I sarcastically agreed. I turned around and banged on the door.
"Hello? Anybody home?" I yelled arrogantly.
"You're a bloody idiot, you know that right?" She hissed.
"Whose there?" A familiar old, woman shouted from behind the wooden door.
"Quick behind the..." Max began ordering before I shushed her.
"Shhh! Max, it's all right. Trust me."
I comforted.
She gawked at me but hesitantly inched her way toward me.
"By the way, it's best that you go along with whatever I'm saying." I added just before my aunty Helena opened the door.
"Masey? Is that you?" Her old, withered voice sounded hopeful.
"Yes aunty Helena. It's me." I let her reach out to stroke my cheek.
"Goodness dear! Look at the prize you've brought back!" She couldn't keep her eyes of Max.
"Prize?" Max was beginning to defend.
"This fair maiden is Max." I introduced her.
"Why Max, I'm so delighted to finally meet you. Masey has told me of your engagement!" She seemed pleased.
"Did he?" She glared at me with fire glowing in her eyes.
"It's wonderful to meet you too." She gently added to my aunty with a warm smile.
"Come in! Come in, I sense you're here in need of something." She waved us into the small shack and we sat down at a table near the door.
"Now what do you need dearie?" Aunty Helena offered sweetly.
"We need something that can brake a magic protection spell." Max chimed in, serious now.
My aunt sat near us, spinning a silver spoon in a delicate tea cup.
"Is that all?" She scoffed.
"Yes." Max replied.
"What for?" Aunty Helena croaked.
"Break a protection spell..." Max scoffed back.
"What is the protection spell on?" She restated, clearly annoyed.
"A town." I piped in.
"I'll see what I can whip up. In exchange, I wish to see you two younglings kiss. I have a feeling I will miss the wedding day." Aunty Helena bribed in a serious tone.

"I assure you, the day Mason and I get married, you'll be the first person we invite." Max turned to me. "Right Mason?" She added. I gulped. She looked dangerous.
"Yeah." I agreed, sweating.

"I'm aware I'll be invited. It's just, I'm dying. I won't be around much longer." Aunty Helena coughed.
"But, you're immortal, aren't you?" I asked with a quiver in my throat.
"Every story comes to an end darling, now kiss while I still get to see you." Her lips twitching as she tried to smile.
"And you'll give us the anti-protection spell?" Max heartlessly confirmed.
"Yes dear."
Max and I stood simultaneously. She did not look happy about it, but leaned in and kissed my lips slowly, as I had dreamed she would. I held her closer in my arms and kissed back with growing passion. She broke off as quick as she had started. We both awkwardly sat down beside each other.
Aunty Helena smiled and stood up to get us what we asked for. Once she left the room, Max whispered, "You're engaged to someone?"
"No, I told her that to make her happy." I whispered lowly.
"Lying doesn't make people happy." She responded sharply.
"What do you care?" I raised an eyebrow. She should just butt out of my business.
"You made us kiss, that's what.." She rapidly whispered.
"I didn't!" I defended.
"You didn't correct her and tell her we weren't engaged." She spat.
"Neither did you!"
"You told me to go along with it, what was I supposed to do?" She growled but smiled once aunty Helena came back into the room. I snatched Max's hand and held it, for the act.
Helena handed us a brown, poorly sown cloth that tied together at the ends.
"Here lovelies. I want you two to be happy together. What ever you need this for, I hope it's worth it." She smiled.
"Now run along before you become as old as I am!"
"Thank you very much, I hope that if you are coming to you're end, the last few days bring you joy." Max let go of my hand to stand and shake Helena's. Max took the cloth and said, "I'll wait for you outside Mason."

Once Max left the hut we were in, I hugged aunty Helena good-bye and thanked her.
"You be careful with that one. She's feisty." She warned as I walked out the door.

Max was waiting for me. "Now back to Neverland."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Authors Note:

I honestly am so sorry that this update took forever! Thank you for being patient though, and once again thank you all for reading this far. This story is nearing an end and my schedule is becoming more and more busy. but I hope to update faster than this one. Sorry again. 😓 Any who, if there are any questions, feel free to ask, and they'll get a quicker response than my updates... hope you like Helena as much as I do, I always find the minor characters so interesting. 😅 so that's all for now. Until next update!

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