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[A psychotic man kidnaps his high school sweetheart; based on the song "Fairytale," by Alexander Rybak. TW: this is meant to be creepy and weird, I'm experimenting with kidnapping scenes FOR NO REASON MK]

Word Count: 1075


"Years ago when I was younger," he said, his voice dripping with an echo in the abandoned building he stood in. "I kinda liked a girl I knew."

"She was mine, and we were sweethearts," he continued, rubbing his hands together, feeling the sharp point of his knife rut into his palm slightly, he didn't wince, only kept it there. He knew it would be over when he pulled it out; the quiet would stop and she would begin again.

His brown hair ruffled in the light breeze from the open door to the outside, where a tall cliff stood, open to the crashing waves. 

"That was then, but then it's true."

He walked closer to the chair he had in the middle of the room and smirked, cocking his head and letting his brown eyes scan over the girl in the ropes, her light blonde hair, bleached at home most likely, laid wild against her scalp and shoulders, falling to her breasts, which lay open to the freezing air.

"Every day, we started fighting," he whispered, chuckling. "Every night, we fell in love." He motioned toward the girl, whose blue eyes watched him fearfully, most likely noticing how he dragged the knife along his palm in a comforting manner, pulling the blade across his skin and digging in-- a soothing thing to do in his mind.

"No one else could make me sadder, but no one else could lift me high above," he said, honestly, looking up at the pale moonlight of the skylight. "I don't know what I was doing," he continued, singing slightly. "When suddenly, we fell apart, nowadays I think of her often, and when I do, we get a brand-new start," he finished.

He stepped closer to her, watching as she began to shiver in fear.

"I don't know what I am doing," he admitted. "I'm in love, with a fairytale," he sang, pointing to her. "Even though it hurts, because I don't care if I lose my mind..." his fingers gripped onto the blade as he sliced it across his palm once again, watching as blood spewed out, hitting the girl in the face.

"I'm already cursed," he whispered, wincing.

She shook her head, "You're- you're not cursed."

He chuckled, grasping her shoulder, covered in her birthday suit, with his bare palm, smearing the crimson substance over her pale, freckled skin. He brought their faces closer together and moved his knife to situate itself under her chin, poking into her skin to bring her face upward, looking him in his eyes.

It was thirteen years ago when they met, walking through the football gates, hand in hand, strangers that had never met but decided to go to their school's football game together one Friday night, thinking nothing better of it.

She didn't love him right away, but she could now. He loved her the moment he laid eyes on her, the moment he walked up and asked if she wanted to go to the game that night with her and if he could have her address to pick her up at seven. He fell in love with someone that wasn't his, but someone that could be now.

He smiled dastardly.

"You're mine," he whispered, watching as a singular shiver rumbled through her back and forced its way down her spine, pushing against herself until her mouth opened and a scream ran out, echoing the word "help." His eyes furrowed.

"SHUT UP!" He screamed at her, getting teeth biting down on her lip in response. He smiled at the automatic reaction.

She was just as pliable as she had been in High School. Perfect for him.

She was perfect.

With full cheeks, rounded eyes, a button nose, waxed eyebrows that were a shade too dark for her bleached hair, and a pretty mouth, one that had been put to use thirteen years ago day after day after that first football game, kissing and sucking on one another for years before they broke up. Before she broke up with him. 

She had perfect, innocent eyes, yet her body wasn't. Stretched open from kids with some bastard, yet still perfect, fitting neatly against her, round and perky breasts, and a wide ribcage, soft to the touch. She was delicate under his touch, and as he ran his blade around against her skin, twirling around her throat, reaching down to the soft skin and rough bone of her clavicle, digging against it and carving a line throughout it, trailing further down her body and encircling her nipples, pushing against her ribs, before resting the knife against her bare thigh.

She whimpered and he laughed.

"You're the same as you've always been; same body and everything, damn."

"Have you lost your mind?" She questioned, enraged, tears welling up in her eyes most likely from the sting of her collar bone.

He nodded. "That's why I kidnapped you."

"I have kids, god dammit!" She muttered, huffing as her breathing began to increase in its pace. "I have- I have a whole life!"

He chuckled. "Not anymore, it's just me and you now, love."

She cried, and she continued to sob as he untied her, she fought for a moment before he tapped the point of his knife against her heat, making her freeze as he pushed into it, slicing it quickly. She fell to the ground in pain, moaning in agony. 

You could say he was psychotic, but he would only agree.

He grabbed her by her bleached hair and began to drag her broken body across the concrete until they were standing outside, the harsh wind against their pale bodies as the jagged edges of the cliff got closer and closer, until eventually, it was right upon them.

She gasped and closed her eyes, shaking her head violently until he gripped her shoulder and stood behind her, tracing his knife down her spine, watching as she sobbed and shivered.

He smiled.

"I don't care if I lose my mind," he repeated from earlier, turning her around so they could look one another in the eyes. "We're already cursed."

With the final words, he smiled, feeling something wet trail down his cheekbone before he gripped his knife and stabbed the girl in the lower stomach, pulling it out before holding her in his arms and jumping, diving down below to the ragged cliffs.

The last things that his vision included were the harsh bleached blonde colors of the only girl he could ever love, and it made him smile to realize he would be the only one to love her ever again.

And they fell, finally together.

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