Chapter 1

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I usually don't go to the doctor much. I
don't, why? Because first I work and I don't
like doing things on the weekends
because I'm always trying to sleep in and
relax, what? I'm a homebody! Second, If
if I get sick I usually home treat it and I'm
fine, but lately I've been feeling really weak
lately, and having a hard time breathing.

I tried looking up why and eating more
vitamins, and eating healthier but the
tiredness just got worse, so enough was
enough. I am at the doctor's office waiting to get called for a check up. While I waited, I decided to get some sleep in which is what I usually do on weekends.
I shouldn't have to wait long I was their on time, but just to kill time I was going to take a short nap. As I nodded off I heard someone call "Avia Faraday", that was me. I immediately woke up, and called out "That's me" I said the woman smiled and held the door open for me, I walked through it.
"Thank you" I said smiling back  "Your welcome, and follow me" the woman replied and began to walk ahead of me. I followed her and soon we came to a stop to an examination room. The woman opened the door for me "Dr. Roman will be with you shortly" she smiled then walked out. I took a seat in one of the chairs out of the two.

Then I began to nod of again but my phone pinged, oh sweet sweet sleep I'll never reach you! I grabbed my phone and it turns out my best friend Cathleen texted me. 'Hey girlie, how's the doctor's appointment going?' My heart was delighted in the fact that she cared and also texted. In joy I texted her back ' It's going great just got called into a room, just waiting on the doctor for now, thanks girl for checking. Means alot' Cathleen and Samantha, we're the only best friends I had and they are the greatest.

Cathleen texted me in the group chat we were in with Samantha so soon another text popped up that was from Samantha 'Ohh is the doctor hot? If you're not interested and if he's not married could you hook us up? I called dibs first Cat!' I started laughing.

'Well it only depends on what he wants hon and no problem Avia! You know I love you girl!' Cat replied, I started laughing harder at Cats response. I saw Samantha send a roll eye emoji in response to Cat. As I was texting how Dr. Roman was in his sixties and married he walked in. I immediately put my phone away I'd just tell them later.
"Ms. Faraday, how've you been?" he said while walking in. I smiled "Great, and you doc?" I said, he walked over and shook my hand "Lovely dear" then he walked over to the computer.

"So what's going on? Is this just a check up or is there something wrong?" He asked while looking up from the computer. "Something wrong, I've been very tried lately and been having some difficulties breathing I tried making it go away but after a week I still felt tried and I've never felt tried like that before so I decided to come here" I said. I saw the doctor type some things down "Mmhm and how long were you feeling this tiredness before you came here?"

The doctor asked. I thought for a second "Two weeks, the first week I thought I was just tired from work, but when the weekend came I was still very tired so I looked up some ways to get rid of it but that hadn't worked either" more typing on the keyboard from the doctor. He nodded his head "If you have time, I'd like to run some blood test if that's alright with you. It shouldn't take longer than 40 minutes maybe less" the doctor said. "Of course, I don't mind" I said the doctor moved from the computer "Alright, the nurse will be in here to draw the blood shortly" he said with a smile than walked out.

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