4. I See Us In Stars

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Oikawa and Iwaizumi walked onto the sand where they were met with fifteen to thirty people all doing their own thing. There was a speaker in the sand blasting music and a bonfire where people were as well. Some people were skinny dipping in the water, others by the bonfire, and some on the sand playing games.

Iwaizumi was greeting by a man with grey and black hair at the roots. "Hey, Iwaizumi!" A big, genuine smile was on his face as he spoke. "Bokuto, hey man! Akaashi here with you?" Iwaizumi asked and they dapped each other up. Oikawa stood quietly beside Iwaizumi, observing the behavior. "Yeah he's sitting over there with Kenma and Kuroo, wanna come over?" He invited Iwaizumi who looked over to Oikawa who was paying close attention to them. "Oikawa?" Iwaizumi asked him before agreeing. "Yeah sounds fun!" A smile formed on his sweet face. They all then walked back over towards some logs that surrounded the bonfire where Kuroo, Kenma, and Akaashi were sat.

"Aye long time no see!" Kuroo waved to Iwaizumi, he smiled back at him. "It's good to see you guys." Iwaizumi greeted everyone. "Oh by the way, this is Oikawa!" He introduced. Soon enough everyone began socializing, especially Oikawa. He was a social butterfly who attracted lots of people. He didn't even do it on purpose, people were just naturally drawn to his big, flaunty personality. Iwaizumi loved the sight of it, seeing him be so loud and goofy. It was almost annoying how well he got along with other people.

"Yeah so Bokuto and Kuroo decided the best way to pass their finals was by writing all of their 'cheat sheets' on their arms..." Akaashi outed them, shaking his head while doing so. "Two big idiots." Kenma added. "Well you're wearing this big idiots sweatshirt right now!" Kuroo pulled on Kenma's hoodie. Kuroo had given it to him before they went to the party, knowing Kenma got cold easily even in warm weather. Iwaizumi and Oikawa laughed at the four other boys who were with them. "Let's go swimming!" Bokuto cheered, ripping off his shirt quickly. "I'm down!" Iwaizumi confidently replied. "No way," Kenma sighed, cuddling up more into the hoodie, freezing from the thought of the water. "Oikawa, you in?" Iwaizumi asked, already standing up ready to go. "Let's go!" Oikawa excitedly ran into the water leaving Iwaizumi behind. Akaashi and Kenma stayed at the bonfire making conversation with one another, not wanting to participate in the night swimming... because they were secretly scared of sharks. It was dark, open water, why wouldn't sharks be out? That was their thought process.

Oikawa splashed the water at Iwaizumi who scoffed. They began wrestling one another in the water until they grew out of breath. "Whew!" Oikawa exhaled dramatically, floating on his back in the water until a wave dunked him under. The moon's reflection glowed on the water and the stars sparkled brightly.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa were in an area where they could both touch the squishy sand beneath them, laughing with one another. "Iwa, what do you think happens after we die?" Oikawa asked out of nowhere, catching Iwaizumi off guard. "Uhm," He muttered, trying to think of an answer, "not sure... I guess." Were the only words he could think of. Oikawa smiled, glancing over to the older who was already looking at him. "I'd like to think we become stars." Oikawa professed, sounding serious about this. "Like..." He grabbed Iwaizumi's hand and pointed up to the two big stars next to each other, "...those two. Somehow, somewhere, two people on this Earth met and when they died they became those stars. Forever existing in this world... together." He finished, still holding Iwaizumi's hand, bringing it back down into the water. Iwaizumi was drawn to this man and those words coming out of his mouth made it harder for him to ignore the apparent attraction. Oikawa's wet hair barely covered his eyes, but it was obvious they were still glowing with desire. Iwaizumi inched his face towards Oikawa. He closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Oikawa didn't refuse, in fact, he melted into it, wrapping his arms around Iwaizumi's neck. Finally Iwaizumi broke apart, realizing what he had done. "Sorry..." He muttered nervously. Oikawa grinned widely at Iwaizumi. "It's okay Iwa, I knew you liked me!" He winked jokingly, letting out a laugh. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, swimming away from the other. "I was kidding!" He swam after him, laughing hysterically as he chased him back to shore.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were wrapped in a towel together near the bonfire again. Iwaizumi had his big arms wrapped around Oikawa's shoulder to hold up the towel. Their wet skin molded together with ease and they didn't mind the connection, it made them feel close.

"I'm gonna go find us some drinks, I'll be back Iwa!" Oikawa got up from the arms of Iwaizumi and walked around to find them something, leaving Iwaizumi with Akaashi and Kenma. "What are you hiding?" Akaashi glared at Iwaizumi who was literally sitting there doing nothing but playing with sand. "Huh?!" Iwaizumi cleared his throat, looking at Akaashi. "I dunno... I just feel like you're hiding something. From us... or maybe Oikawa?" He added slowly, raising an eyebrow at the now guilty-looking other. Kenma let out a laugh. "Definitely guilty of something." Kenna continued laughing at the guilty face Iwaizumi wore. "So I kissed Oikawa..." Iwaizumi admitted, but Kenma and Akaashi were waiting for the 'but'. "And?" Akaashi pursed his lips. "And I haven't told him that I'm only here for the summer..." He let out finally, sighing greatly when he did so. Both of their eyes flew open. "Dude," Kenma looked shocked then resumed what he was saying, "so you're basically playing him or what? When are you gonna tell him?" He ended with. Iwaizumi wasn't too sure on how to respond. "Well I wasn't planning on telling him soon, but I'm not playing him! I have real feelings for him... and that kiss was special. I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time." He groaned, ramming his fingers through his hair. Akaashi then spoke, "You shouldn't wait, Hajime. You're gonna hurt him. Anyone can see that he's attached to you." Those were the final words of their conversation before Oikawa reappeared with four drinks in his hands. "Hey guys, I got us some sodas." He handed them out to everyone and kept his own. "Hey, Oikawa!" Kenma greeted trying to lighten the mood from the conversation they were just having. "Thanks for the drinks." Iwaizumi smiled as he opened up the bottle, taking a quick sip from it.

The rest of the night the conversation Iwaizumi had with Akaashi and Kenma weighed on him heavily. He knew he would tell Oikawa soon... maybe... or maybe he could wait just a little bit longer. Why ruin things when they were just getting good?


Iwaizumi stood this time at Oikawa's front door, dropping him off after the late night they had at the party. It was almost 12 am so he wanted to make sure Oikawa got home safely. Oikawa did in fact have one of those nice, fancy beach houses, very like him. "Are you sure you don't want me to call you like an Uber or something? It's a little late, Iwa." Oikawa offered with a look of worry on his face. "I'll be fine, don't stress about it you might grow grey hairs." Iwaizumi playfully said, making Oikawa laugh. "As if I would ever grow grey hairs!" He sassily replied, Iwaizumi laughing in response. "I'll get going now..." Iwaizumi spoke, biting his lip, "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Iwaizumi began to walk down the house's stairs but Oikawa quickly grabbed his hand. "Hey, you can't leave me without a goodbye kiss!" He smirked, pulling Iwaizumi back up the steps. "Oh right, of course not." Iwaizumi smiled into a soft kiss, interlocking his and Oikawa's fingers deeply. "Goodnight, Toru." Iwaizumi pulled away gently and backed up. "Goodnight, Hajime." Excitement shot through Oikawa's body and he decided to place one last kiss on Iwaizumi's cheek.

Iwaizumi walked away with a flustered look on his face. A small, content smile appeared on his lips. He was so happy, he never wanted that feeling to go away. His stomach swirled with emotions and the only thing he could think about was Oikawa and his perfect, perfect lips. Iwaizumi believed that night was the perfect night.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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