The Island & The Fruit

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"That's the sentence Izuku keeps asking himself, and it's not going to help him find out where he is. That is something he knows."

"And he doesn't even remember his own past, well except for certain things. For starters his name and also his family and his home and quirks, beyond that a complete blank."

"The last thing he remembers was that he was swimming in the pool, then the next moment he was swimming in the freaking ocean."

Izuku: I need to fine a way off this island.

"Izuku looks around for anything to use, his eyes soon landed on a large piece of wood a idea forming in his head."

Izuku: Okay large piece of wood to use as a raft. Now I need something to paddle.

"Izuku walks around the island in hope of finding a paddle or something, soon he stumbled across a big stick."

Izuku: That seems big enough.

"He drag the stick to the wood board, before pushing it in the waters with it perfectly floating."

Izuku: Well it can float.

"Izuku slowly climb on the raft to make sure it will still float, once it was proven it can float with him on it he started rowing out in the ocean."

Izuku: Goodbye island. See you never!

"Unfortunately Izuku hope were dash away as a large serpentine creature exploded out of the waters sending poor Izuku and his makeshift raft back at the island."

Sea King: ROOOAAAR!!

"Soon another giant sea creature more eel-like emerge from the ocean, glaring at the other beast before the both of them charge at each other."

"Izuku meanwhile just lie on the ground watching the fight go on, and waited for the pain from the fall to subside."

Izuku: I'm stuck here forever. I'm going to die here, even if it's not on this island. It's going to be those monsters.

"It took an hour for the battle to stop, with the eel monster swimming away and the serpent monster sinking back into the ocean, to which Izuku stood back up having feel the pain go away he look at the now destroyed wood and stick."

Izuku: Damn it. Well while I'm stuck here I might as well explore the island.

"And with that Izuku start his exploration of the island finding many things with the first being fruits."

Izuku: At least there is food here.

"The next thing he found was a small lake."

Izuku: A source of freshwater to drink. I guess I will be able to survive here.

"Izuku continue his exploring."

Izuku: But the real question is how long?

"Soon he found something. Something that contains his salvation."

"Izuku look at what appears to be the remains of a ship, a large tear at the side and some of the front half gone."

"After weighing the pros and cons Izuku decide to enter the ship."

Izuku: Man this is spooky.

"Izuku looks around seeing a bunch of skeleton that wore sailor suits, quickly realizing something."

Izuku: They're Marines!

"Izuku continue looking around."

Izuku: Well, were Marines.

"Izuku soon saw a open door to which he walks in seeing a large skeleton wearing a suit and coat."

Izuku: This one. Was probably a Admiral or someone of high rank.

"But Izuku eyes landed on something particularly strange. There sitting on the desk was a strange looking fruit that was aqua blue in color."

Izuku: That's a weird looking fruit. I wonder if it's edible?

"Izuku grab the fruit as he stares at it a bit longer, before taking a bite outta it. Izuku face immediately turn green."

Izuku: Oh god it taste awful. But it's still food so I shouldn't waste it.

"Izuku swallow painfully the disgusting fruit, and then took another bite."

"After finally finishing the fruit Izuku looks around the place."

Izuku: Hmmm.

(Six Hours Later)

"After spending six hours digging and burying, Izuku knelt down."

Izuku: I don't know you, but if you're with the Marines then that means you done heroic accomplishments. I hope you all have found peace in you're lives.

"Izuku then said a quick prayer before standing back up staring out to the open sea."

Izuku: How? How did I get here?

???: Because you were made to be more.

"Startled Izuku looks around to find the voice, only to fine nothing."

Izuku: Who said that?



"Soon the serpent from earlier rose from the ocean clearly anger from the shouts as Izuku stare up terrified as the sea serpent stare him down."

Izuku: Oh shit.

"The serpent lunges forward preparing to eat the green hair boy, but Izuku had other plans."

"He quickly dodges out of the way, with the serpent smashing it's face in the ground before quickly rising up."

Sea King: ROOAR!

"The monster lunges again with the same result as last time with Izuku dodging."

"This happens a few more times before the serpent switch tactics. Rising it's tail from the water and then smashes it down where Izuku is."

"Izuku moves away barely missing it."

Izuku: I need to get into the forrest!!

"As Izuku prepares to run towards the forrest, the serpent went for another tail attack but missing aim and hitting the graves."

"Izuku stares out in shock, as the Graves he spent six hours digging for the Marines to have a peaceful leaving was destroyed by this STUPID SNAKE!"

"Izuku looks at the serpent his face full of rage as then a shockwave was emitted out of him kicking up the dust blocking the serpent's view from the boy."

"But what it could see was the image of the teen transforming into something. Growing larger in height easily seven times bigger and grew a long tail, along that he gain an increase in muscle mass turning his skinny figure into a lean and very muscular physique, his skin also change into a aqua blue color scales. Finally his neck extended like a serpent and his head transformed from a human to a snake, not only that he grew two more similar heads although slightly shorter."

"Izuku was surprised by this transformation even the serpent was slightly shock from it."


Me: Sup. So this is a story of Marine Izuku. Also you're all probably wondering what Devil Fruit Izuku ate. Well all I can tell you is that it's a Mythical Zoan Fruit.

Me Again: This fic was inspired by another One Piece Marine Izuku fic, Wind At My Back created by Yojimbra you should check it out.

Words: 1101

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