The Power Of The Devil Fruit

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"Garp was bored. He knows it, and the Marines with him knows it. And they can't blame him, being in the Calm Belt they were expecting to be attack by Sea Kings, but none of those sea beasts ever show up to attack."

"Even when one did show up, it merely spared them a glance before diving back into the ocean."

"Honestly the next Sea King Garp sees, he is tempted to provoke it."

???: Garp if we see another Sea King. Do not try to get it to attack us.

"Garp annoyed by the person reading his thoughts spits at the water."

Garp: But I'm bored Bogard. Nothing exciting has happen in the last few hours.

"Bogard sigh. While he does agree this is very boring, they have clear orders."

Bogard: As much as I agree with you. We have orders to drop off the recruits at Marineford.

Garp: Yeah yeah, drop the rookies off.

"Garp however wasn't also feeling boredom, and Bogard can tell."

Bogard: Something else on your mind?

Garp: Yes. My stubborn grandson wants to be a pirate. And Ace too.

Bogard: Jeesh. First you're son, now Luffy and Ace.

Garp: Yeah. Those brats wants to become those crappy pirates.

"There was a brief pause as the both of them felt the wind."

Garp: Theres wind!

Bogard: Meaning?

Garp: Meaning that something interesting is happening!

"Garp head to the wheel to turn the ship."

Garp: Everyone we're heading something exciting!

"All the recruits looks rather uneasy by Garp declaration after seeing how crazy he is."

Bogard: Garp! We're already late!

Garp: So? What's the harm in being a little extra late?

Garp: Besides we might meet some interesting folk.
(Back With Izuku)

"Izuku had no idea what happen to him. One moment he's human the next he's a three headed dragon man."

Sea King: ROOOAAAR!!

"The Sea King launch at Izuku getting ready to chomp him down but he grab both it's jaws and easily hold it back."

Izuku: What happen?! Is this my quirk? But I thought I was quirkless, did the fruit has something to do with this?

"Despite being hold back the Sea King refused to give up, as it continues to push back."

Izuku: Damn it you're strong!

"Izuku immediately punch down on the serpent's head pushing it to the ground and creating enough force to produce a shockwave."

Izuku: I will admit, this quirk is awesome.

"But the Sea King quickly rise up and lunges again only for Izuku to jump out of the way."

Izuku: Nice try!

"The serpent trys again however Izuku grabs and holds the Sea King down before all three heads bites down on the sea beast flesh, causing a screech from it."

"The Sea King managed to throw him off, Izuku hitting a tree."

"Which broke it in half. Izuku stood back up, but Izuku body started to emit a glow starting from his tail then moving towards all three heads as electricity started to crackle in his mouths."

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