I Want To Be A Hero

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???: Good job.

Garp: Wake up!

Izuku: Ahhhhh!

"Izuku woke up in a instance after being yelled at."

Garp: Bwahahahaha!

"Izuku sat up notice he was laying on a cot and that he was back in his human form, he felt his heartbeat increase, he also felt the ship swaying gently. And most importantly the thing separating him from the rest of the ship was a large set of iron bars."

"Through those bars was Monkey D. Garp a man whose height dwarfed any person Izuku had ever met."

"Garp had a wide smile that exude confidence which put him at ease."

Garp: Welcome aboard boy.

"Garp voice deep and gruff which Izuku thought how it would sound."

Izuku: Ummm? Thank you sir.

Garp: No problem. After the show you brought, I just have to bring you with us! You display bravery and craziness at the same time! You remind me of me.

"Izuku smile at the compliments."

Izuku: Why thank you. And thank you for saving me again.

"Garp sit down on a chair which was way to small for him, so his knees to nearly reach his shoulders."

Garp: You do say thank you alot. But you're welcome. And how long did you had your Devil Fruit power?

Izuku: Devil Fruit?

Garp: Large, werid looking fruit. Some say it taste terrible.

"Garp stated picking his nose with a dull expression."

Garp: How do you not know that?

"Izuku thought and try to remember how he got to the island but he can't even remember how. He then try to remember his parents but he couldn't remember what they look like not even their names."

Garp: Well that does not even matter. We have more important things to talk about, like whats you're name?

Izuku: Ummm, my name is Izuku, the rest I don't remember.

Garp: Amnesia, huh? Well, I'm Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp.

Izuku: Well it's nice to meet you sir.

Garp: Nice to meet you too. So now the question is what are we going to do with you?

Izuku: Sir?

"Garp smile vanished revealing a leveled serious face."

Garp: If you want, I can drop you off at some port. You can probably have a good life as a farmer or merchant, might be a little boring but a good life nonetheless.

"Izuku thought about living that life, and he doesn't like it."

Garp: But you have that Devil Fruit power."

"Garp's eyes turned sharp as he stares at Izuku intensely as if he was staring into his soul."

Garp: With a power like yours, there are only two options: you can either join the Marines and go far with that, if you can survive it long enough.

"Izuku thought about that option and he wants to do it, he wants to be a Marine to save people."

Izuku: And the second option?

Garp: You become a pirate! And with that Devil Fruit ability of yours, you would be the most infamous one!

Izuku: A pirate?

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