Chapter 1

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Capucine walks down the streets of Fukuoka with two bags in each of her hands. She breathes deeply as she takes each step, weighed down by the heavy pots of flowers in the bags. 'So heavy. I probably should have taken the train instead of walking. Maybe that would have made my life easier.'

Shrieks reach her ears and she looks ahead to see young teenage girls crowding and blocking the street. She frowns. 'Great. How am I supposed to get to my shop now?' She sighs. 'Guess I have to push through.' She sighs again and continues forth. When she reaches the crowd, she pushes past the teens. "Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, excuse me," she says repeatedly as she goes through.

Suddenly, one teen pushes her to the ground. "Move, old woman!"

Capucine lets out a scream as she falls and closes her eyes but the pain never comes. She slowly opens her eyes and sees the ground just inches from her face. She feels a tug on the back of her shirt and in seconds, she is back on her feet. She looks around to see red feathers carrying her bags and tugging at the back of her shirt. 'Red feathers? Whose Quirk could this be?'

"Are you alright, Miss?"

She looks up to see a man with red wings flying down to her. He has feathery ash blond hair, thick brows, and golden brown eyes. He wears a tan aviator's jacket with white fur trimmings, a black shirt with wavy golden patterns, tan pants, yellow headphones, and a yellow-tinted visor.

'His face is familiar,' she thinks. 'Where have I seen him before?' She has terrible memory due to meeting many patients, but she knows when someone is familiar or not. And this man is familiar. 'Could he have been a patient before?'

The man smiles as his feet touches the ground. "Your bags seem heavy. Would you like me to help you?"

Capucine smiles and sweatdrops as she senses the death glares from the teenagers. "No, thank you. I'm fine." She glances at the girls. 'I'd rather not get caught in trouble with these attention-hungry girls. They seem like they want to kill me with their looks just for talking to him. Oh if looks could kill.'

"I insist," the man says and raises the bags out of her reach with his feathers. "Where to?"

"I'm really fine," Capucine says and jumps up to try and reach the bags but her efforts are in vain as the man raises the bags higher. "Please put my bags down. Those are fragile."

"All the more reason for me to carry your bags for you," the man argues. "If you trip or drop these by accident, the pots will break. It's best I accompany you to your destination. A hero never turns a blind eye to those in need."

Capucine smiles stiffly, starting to get annoyed. "For your information, I'm not someone in need," Capucine speaks in English out of irritation. "I'm someone in a hurry to get to my shop and you're just standing in my way."

"And I'm someone who can understand English well," the man says with an amused smile. "If you're really in a hurry, you could just let me help you and this matter would be over with."

"Annoying hero," Capucine mutters in French and smirks at the dumbfounded expression the man's face. 'It seems he can't understand French.' She pauses. 'Wait, why am I even happy about that? I have a shop to get to and I don't need a hero with many fangirls to help me. How can I get the bags down?'

The man sighs. "Just let me help you and get this over with."

Capucine frowns and checks the time. Reading the clock, she sighs. "Fine," she says and points to the street. "My shop is close. Just a few blocks down street."

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