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After a few minutes of silence Mr Andrews spoke, "i know I probably shouldn't even offer but I'm going to get some whiskey... would you like to try some?" He pushed himself up from the sofa and turned slightly to face me.

My head was still full of dirty scenarios about him, i attempted to compose myself, straightening my posture, "um yeah, i'd love some" i blushed, sounding way too confident for someone who'd never tried whiskey before.

"Sure thing princess" he called back as he turned and left the room, i was confused as to why he was being so endearing, maybe that was just the affect that alcohol had on him, either way the subtle flirts lit up a hope inside of me.

I hoped that maybe i had a chance, that something would happen between us, that all of my dark fantasy's about him would become a reality.

Just as i was about to let my mind wonder, Christian returned with two small glasses of whiskey, one of them had a couple of ice cubes in, which he placed down on the glass table in front of me.

Reclaiming his spot beside me on the sofa he lifted his drink up to his lips, i found the courage to pick up my own and take a sip, the strong taste made me cringe, scrunching up my face, trying not to gag.

I heard a low chuckle from beside me, "not a fan?" Mr Andrews smiled, he seemed amused by my reaction to the drink, I shook my head in response, he then finished his own with ease and stretched his arm out to take mine.

More alcohol probably wasn't such a good idea anyway since i never usually drank, he began sipping the drink that was previously mine and readjusted his position to face me, the distance between us closing as he did.

I inhaled a sharp breath as i felt his skin come into contact with mine, his leg brushing up against my own, he didn't bother moving away, but i knew he must have noticed, especially since i looked down at where our bodies were connected.

Just as he had finished what was previously my drink he let out a sigh "you know.. its so hard to teach with a girl like you sat in my class" his gaze dropping to my body, taking in every inch of my exposed skin.

I could feel my body growing hot, Christian bit down on his lip, his eyes meeting mine "you're gonna get me in trouble" he added, running his hand across his face, the subtle gesture that he may have been attracted to me only made my urge to test him grow.

The alcohol had given me a sense of confidence i never knew i had, i wanted to tease him, I knew i couldn't make it obvious, but i was craving his attention, i wanted to rile him up, make him just as sexually frustrated as i was.

I used one arm to hold myself up, my hand gripping onto his leg for stability as i leaned over and took the glass from his grip, my fingers brushing against his as i did, a rush of electricity running through my body from the intimate contact.

I noticed his gaze dropping down to my body again, he swiped his tongue over his bottom lip, he wanted me to know he was looking, he wasn't ashamed, my position had my cleavage on full display for him.

I didn't move away as i tipped the glass back, taking the ice cube between my lips, i pushed the now empty glass back into his hand, moving my hand back up to my mouth.

Holding onto the ice, i began playing with it, sucking onto the cube as it melted, water dripping down my hands as it did, Mr Andrews eyes were fixated on my lips, he kept biting down on his own, his breaths becoming ragged.

I began using my tongue, swiping it over the edges of the ice as it began to get smaller, as it was almost melted i moved my hand down, resting my hand against Christians other thigh.

As i was about to take my tongue back into my mouth to swallow the cold liquid Mr Andrews reached out and pressed his thumb down onto my tongue, in that moment i didn't hold back.

Mister Andrews ( teacher x student ) 18+Where stories live. Discover now