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The past few weeks have mostly consisted of nothing

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The past few weeks have mostly consisted of nothing.

As if the Lana had fallen through a rabbit hole her days had repeated: Practice, schoolwork, weight training, no sleep.

Ice and Lana had decided to change up their dreadful daily routines and take a trip down to the UCONN tennis courts.

Lana had always found a sense of comfort in playing sports. Even if she sucked at them.

Considering it was a Sunday morning the courts were fairly empty not including the two taken courts. But close enough.

The pair of girls had taken their rackets and "started" playing. Though their form was pretty terrible, they were convinced they were in Challengers.

"So did you see all those comments about Paige and Azzi after the press conference?" Ice practically yelled in order for the other girl to hear her.

"Oh yea, what Paige said what nice" Lana replied thinking back to the encouraging comments Paige had been sharing to the reporters about her best friend and her recovery process.

"I guess it was, I don't know I feel bad for them. I mean everyone makes these ship comments but they are just friends you know?" tracking the tennis ball down the court in order to hit it back at Lana "I feel bad for Paige's girl... actually no I don't she is kind of a b-i-t-c-h"

Laughing at Ice and her lack of cursing Lana was more intrigued with the other girls opinion "wait really? I haven't met her yet. What did she do"

"No don't laugh, she seriously came to my room and asked me to leave so that her and Paige could be alone. Like hello??" Ice continued to complain, her voice still tinged with annoyance as she reminisced the bad memory.

"Ew I don't like that" Lana couldn't control her face that scrunched in disapproval. The girls decided to play for another hour but realistically ended up playing for twenty more minutes complaining about anything and everything.


"I t-think my shoes shrunk, my big toe is being squished.. right now" Lana spoke trying to regain her breath. She had met with Ice at the net holding on the post.

"okay good, then I think we should leave, my leg is burning" Ice grabbed her knee to see the burn forming. Only she would be willing to fall to the ground after chasing a tennis ball.

"I would race you to the car.. but.. i'm in so much pain right now" Ice coughed out.


Putting her phone to the side to the side Ice had tried to grab her keys from her wallet. "wait wait Ice" Lana spoke before they could open the door.

"what?" Ice turned dramatically. If anyone were to see the girls outside their dorm they would assume the girls were drunk.

Trying to form a sentence before laughing, "remember that time you fell on the tennis courts after you chased the ball" Lana couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was obvious Ice tried to look annoyed but her tightly sealed lips had told Lana that she was holding in a laugh.

The pair finally opened the door Lana still laughing gripping her stomach trying to stop herself, but as Lana's eyes travelled up to two people sitting on the couch her laughter had fallen short.

Paige and McKenna.

Or at least that's who Lana assumed the brunette was. It had to be, the girls were practically on top of each other on the couch.

The girls on the couch snapped their heads at the sudden noise that came through the door frame, Lana's sense of time froze, simply staring at the girls who stared right back.

"Oh hey guys" Ice tried to say pleasantly but it was clear that it was anything but pleasant. Her signal of tapping Lana's arm and giving the girl a knowing side eye was seen by the two girls on the couch and yet somehow missed by Lana herself. The girl being more occupied staring at the other brunette and the close proximity between the girls in front of her.

"heyy"  Paige's eyes slightly widened at her friends blatant face of disgust. "Uh sorry this is Mckenna, Mckenna this is Lana. You already met Ice" she directed her finger making sure to point at the girl whose name she just called and cleared her throat as she called out Ice.

"Hi it's nice to meet you" Lana finally spoke breaking the trance that her eyes had been holding up. "Sorry to bother you guys we were just going to our rooms" Ice said, making sure to emphasis the word bother considering that's what McKenna had called her the other day.

Lana had been holding another laugh in. She had been simultaneously thinking about Ice falling on the tennis courts, letting out a slight cough, she couldn't help but think about Ice squaring up with McKenna. The brunette on the couch simply giving a sweet smile in response. She realized how stupid she would look if she just randomly started laughing, so instead she quietly made her way to her room, slightly embarrassed.

Closing her door Lana finally received a second of silence. A moment to think. She saw the girls on the couch and she definitely saw Paige's cheesy smile.

It wasn't hard to observe for a second and realize that Paige was truly interested in Mckenna. 

And for some reason Lana's stomach couldn't help but turn. As if someone just punched her in the stomach. Her physical demeanor quickly changed, and it felt like a cloud of sadness overtook her. She felt ashamed, and smaller than she was.

Before she could come to terms as to why she felt this way she immediately found the reason. She was guilty.

Sure she didn't commit a murder, or steal a chocolate bar, or run from the cops. But she was in the wrong for keeping sexual strings with Paige knowing her heart could possibly belong to someone else.

The girls had decided that their sexual arrangements wouldn't interfere with their individual partners. But how would Lana continue having sex with Paige knowing that the blonde girl imagined Mckenna's face instead of her own.

Knowing that when Paige would touch her body, or kiss her lips, or praise her she was clearly thinking of another brown haired girl.

Lana felt dirty. Filthy even. But not at the fact that they were friends with benefits. More at the fact that deep down she didn't want to put it to an end.

Possibly because she would rather have some of Paige than none. And she was morally wrong for that.

She tried to ease her mind listening to music and sketching on a notebook instead. But with the lyrics of love songs playing through her headphones she couldn't help but think of the blonde girl who sat outside cuddled up to another girl.

She tried to comfort herself through attempts of convincing herself that she wouldn't have to be met with Mckenna again, that way she won't have to feel this type of guilt again.

But what the basketball player didn't know was that this one interaction would be only be the start to several more.


A/N: i'm back!

i have been all over the place with trying to make the plot of this story good. BEAR WITH ME.

also this is not proof read. SOMEONE NEEDS TO FORCE ME TO PROOF READ

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