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"...And then meth- head Howard over here is on my dick. And for what reason?" Lana had been explaining the her coming out story to all three of her roommates.

The three girls had been laying around the living room listening intently to the brunette girl who had been speaking for the past few thirty minutes.

"Okay, but like I don't understand why your parents are being such bitches about it" Aubrey said while lifting her head from the couch, obviously annoyed at the reaction her best friend had gotten from her parents.

"No, I agree, being dickheads about it won't change anything" Ice shot, putting a hand on Lana's shoulder in comfort.

"Yea-" the blonde who tried to provide her input was cut off by a ringing phone that sat on the floor.

"It's mine" Lana said grunting as she pushed herself off the beanbag to grab her phone "It's my sister, but yeah no that's basically what happened. It could have gone better, but whatever I guess" she continued before hitting the green accept button on her phone and entering her room for some sort of privacy.

Paige, who sat on the floor in the living room felt guilty. Guilty that she couldn't even support one of her best friends in a time when she needed it. She reminded herself that she would need to make a visit to the other girl's room tonight before she went to bed.

Inside the closed room, Lana had felt like a completely shitty sister for leaving Maddie high and dry. Considering the younger sister had been sleeping over at their family friends house, Lana had decided to make a short stop to inform her sister before she left Maryland. But.. the explanation consisted of "I got kicked out... i'm gay... i'm leaving tonight."

Lana was sort of nervous to call her sister, worried that this would lead into the pair of sisters getting into a fight as well. Shockingly, Maddie had seemed forgiving on the LONG phone call with her sister, she always was. No matter how little attention her sister would give her while she attended university Maddie's idolization for her sister would never change. The young girl would always look up to her sister no matter what, and that only left a heavy pit in Lana's stomach.

"Okay wait pause. So who was your gay awakening" Maddie's laugh could be heard through the phone, but, before Lana could respond Maddie spoke again "wait it was totally that one blondie you had goo-goo eyes for..fuck what was her name?"

"Paige?" Lana responded but more in a questioning tone.

"What no i'm talking about that one girl from your high school's lacrosse team" Maddie ignored the Paige comment, but made sure to keep it in the back of her mind if she ever needed to tease Lana.


Time passed fairly slowly, but Lana's day circulated around sitting in her bed and watching love island.

She tried to convince herself that she would be okay, that she was okay but she couldn't completely find herself wrapping around the concept that she was in fact okay.

simply because she wasn't.

Before her thoughts could completely consume her, she heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in"

Pausing her show, Lana could only hear the creaking noise of her door and the crickets that never shut up.

Taking a few steps into the dimly lit room, as if on command, Paige's focus had shifted to the girl who had been wearing her blue light glasses, wearing a white nike sports bra paired with her navy Uconn sweatpants, and her hair tied back into a pony tail. Paige admired how clean Lana managed to look even under the circumstances of their not so novel dorm suite.

Paige tried to notice every small detail about Lana. She learned that the girl preferred dim lights rather than the white overhead lights because they reminded her too much of a hospital.

Getting to know Lana was like rereading your favorite book and finally taking the small details into consideration. All the small things that your eyes skimmed through once before, you now understand through a different lens. Every intricate word finally setting everything in place, kind of like a puzzle.

The odd thing is that Paige never seemed to be fond of books, or reading for that matter. But something about Lana Jackson had always pulled  Paige's interest.

She had known how Lana's room was clean whenever Lana had been trying to clear her mind. She knew that Lana's form of therapy was definitely through music. She also knew that Lana was far from okay.

Before the two girls had a chance to exchange any words Paige made her way to Lana's bed, falling into it by laying beside her best friend.

I'm sorry I never got the chance to say anything after you told us about everything that happened back home.

Paige wanted to speak, but the words never came out of her mouth.

She knew well that her words would fall dull in a moment like this.

It's not like the atmosphere was heavy in a bad way. Instead, the girls were able to communicate in the silence.

Paige rolled over onto her stomach and laying an arm out over Lana. Waiting a few seconds before she began tracing the words that were tattooed under her best friends chest.

No risk
No story

Lana's breath hitched slightly at Paige's touch on her sensitive skin. Her gaze that was once glued to the ceiling of her room averted quickly to Paige to see if she had noticed the sharp movement in her breathing.

But she didn't.

Paige finally decided to break the comfortable silence, "You did the right thing, you know?"

Licking her lips before responding "it doesn't feel like it"

"But you took a risk, and now you are free. No more living a lie, no more pleasing others. You are the author of your littl' story and now you get to write whatever you want." Paige said turning her head to Lana, a smile evident through her words.

"Thank you P" Lana couldn't help but smile. Her smile was practically poison infecting her face: She tried to suppress it by holding her lips tight, but for some reason she could not for the life of her relax her face.

"Yeah, I know i'm the best friend anyone could ever possibly have" Paige spoke again this time she couldn't hold in her smile, she even turned around to not face Lana in order for the girl not to see.

"Okay now I see your head growing" Lana laughed.

"Yeah whatever i'm going to sleep" The blonde had fake rolled her eyes before undoing Lana's neatly made bed and throwing herself under the covers.


so i'm back?

ignore all the updates that it's gonna say are coming out. it's just headers.. sorry gang

anyways also sorry for disappearing but here's a new chapter!!

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