Celaya Chapter 2: Heisted

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We were just waiting in the elevator ready to kick some butt when something weird happened. Out of nowhere our elevator started to slow down. It slowed down until it completely stopped. The elevator music was still playing though,

"Wait a minute, what's happening," I spoke

"Maybe it's just temporary?" Peter said

"We are so sorry," a voice said from a loudspeaker in the elevator that we couldn't find, "But the elevator has shut down, we will call the fire department and seek help immediately."

The tune didn't help that we were trapped in an elevator,

"So, umm." I started, "What did you guys eat for breakfast?"

"You already saw us eat you know what we ate," Peter said


The elevator started to fall, little by little. Everyone was freaking out, jumping, screaming. All the shenanigans everyone did ended up making the situation worse. Soon the elevator gave up on us completely and we fell down the elevator shaft,


We fell for what felt like forever while we all lay ourselves down on the floor of the elevator! Finally, THUD, we had hit the bottom of the shaft. And it wasn't too smooth. All the guys were complaining about head pain from the fall. It was miserable waiting for help to arrive. We waited. AND waited.

We were waiting for what felt like hours, and no one came,

Then the lights turned off,

"It's probably closing time," I said

"Is anybody going to come?" Michael asked

"I don't think so," I said, "But it's getting really hot in here."

It indeed was getting hot. We were looking around to see what was making it so hot. Turns out, there was a heater in the room on the bottom on full blast.

I tried to bust the door open, but I just ended up with a huge bruise on my left shoulder,

"Ugh, why'd they program like this!" I spoke, "They made me feel pain and have actual feelings like a human being! That might be stupid to argue about, but I liked it when I was just some 1's and 0's!"

"What?" Peter said, "So, you're not human?"

"Oh yeah," I sighed, "I forgot to tell you I was built to replace a robot named Celaya when she was about to be killed. Luckily the people who made my parents took them away before being destroyed. I just wanna meet about my mother. They programmed me to have blood vessels so I can feel like a real human."

"Oh," Peter said

He looked at me with a slight smirk. I knew he was holding himself in from freaking out. He looked into the distance and sat down. He licked his lips because they were dry.

He looked at me a second time and gave me a pleasant smile. Then we heard loud crashing, and the lights went back on,

"Hello?" someone said outside the elevator door, "Anybody here?" It sounded like the fire department,

"Yes," I yelled, "Help us!"

We heard many more crashes happen slightly shaking the box of metal. Then a big crash made the elevator shake a lot!

"What the" Michael said, "Hey what's happening there?"

All of a sudden, we were starting to be raised up and up, and then it dropped almost like the Tower of Terror at Disneyland! The top of our elevator ripped off and went flying! Then, another elevator came crashing down on ours! Then, the place went back to normal. The elevator went back to normal picking people up and dropping them off like nothing happened. There was still no roof to our elevator, but I like to forget that happened. Soon enough we got to the top floor which is supposed to be closed and has been since 2024. Shortly after walking out of the elevator to the floor, we saw the briefcase. It was guarded by a group of about 20 guards.


"I just want that briefcase!" I asked

The men started to laugh,


"You don't know what I can do!" I said

I made the lights flicker over and over,

"Woah," one said, "Tell me how to do that. I can do that as my next party trick"

Everyone laughed except me and my group,

"Actually, I don't know how I did that," I said

"WHAT!!!" Peter yelled, "So you don't know how you did that??? You're making yourself look like a fool!!!"

Then, I caused a blackout in the entire building! I honestly didn't know how I did that! It's when I think of something it happens,

"HEY!" The guards yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"

I used to think about night vision and I saw the briefcase right there! So of course I grabbed it! Once I had it in my grasp, I Thought about looking like one of the guards and turned the lights on,

"Don't worry boys," I said, "I got em' but the girl got away."

"AH CRAP WE'VE GOT TO GET THEM," the guards responded with

"Wait we didn't get caught!" Peter yelled

"sigh" I sighed

I broke a window and that's when the guards got out their taser guns,

"Now," one whispered pulling out his taser gun, "Put your hands up."

"No," I said and jumped out the window with the briefcase turning my skin to look like me again. I grabbed Peter and the others and took a leap of faith down!

The alarms were sounding, and people were rushing to get me while sliding down the stairs going into elevators to the bottom floor, and calling the police trying to get me,

"Woah," Peter said, "Wait we're falling to our death are we."

"AH!" they all screamed

"Don't worry," I said pulling out a parachute, "Luckily, I have this built into me! That's the perks of being a robot!"

As we all slowly descended to the ground I knew I had won. We did it,

"Oh no we didn't do it," Michael said

Police cars were in the parking lot under us and helicopters were hovering above us. We were caught,

"Wa-wa-wah?" Peter stuttered


We all put our hands up as we fell to the ground. The police put us in handcuffs and drove us all the way to be questioned here.

"And that's it," I told Dr. Artemis

"Ok." she said, "I will do something nice for you! I'll help you find your parents!"

"Wait, Artemis," one of the police said watching, "You can't do this, She needs to be punished by law!"

"Who said I listen to the law?" she said with a piercing grin, "I'll help the girl find out about her mother, and no one can stop me. I'm Dr. Artemis I don't care if I'm fired or brought to jail! THE LAW IS STUPID!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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