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Laughter fills the air as children can be seen playing on a playground as they chase each other around, and play without a care in the world. In particular three individuals are seen playing tag as they chase each other around two boys and a girl. One of the boys has dark green hair and soft round green eyes that hold genuine kindness, with a lighter complexion. While the other boy has blonde hair and sharp red eyes and had a slight sun kissed skin tone. The little girl however was a stark contrast to the boys with her beautifully natural tanned skin and long wavy white hair that was tied up in two pigtails wrapped in pink and white beaded hair ties. Her silver eyes were round because of her youth but held a slight sharpness that would surely cut through anything as she matured. The little white haired girl had been chasing the green messy haired boy as they were playing tag. That is until she heard the teachers call for them because today they were going to watch an All Might movie.

"Alright everyone, time to come inside, the movie is just about to start!" Called a woman with brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes.

"Ah, did you guys hear that?! The movie's going to start. Let's hurry before the front row is taken!" Shouted the white haired little girl excitedly as her silver eyes sparkled from excitement.

"I heard we were going to watch an All Might Movie today!" Shouted the green haired boy excitedly as his eyes sparkled with excitement as well.

"Come on Kikichan! Deku! We have to hurry up if we want to sit up front!" Said the little blonde haired boy with sharp red eyes that also held childlike excitement, as he ran ahead of them.

"Hey, wait up Kacchan!" Yelled the green haired boy, who Kacchan nicknamed Deku, as he was the last one of the trio to make it inside and sit beside them in the front row.

"Ha, you'll never become a hero if you're too slow Deku." Smirked Kacchan as he liked to pick on him since he didn't have a quirk yet.

"Don't be so mean to Zuzuchan, Kacchan! Just because your quirk is cool and you're faster doesn't mean you should be mean to others. That's not very hero like." Huffed the little white haired little girl named Kikichan she never liked it when Kacchan was acting like a bully and liked to have fun with everyone she came across. Her words however seemed to irritate the blonde boy with red eyes, nicknamed Kacchan, as he turned away from them and instead glared at the floor. He was mad that Kikichan was the only one to call him out on his behavior and constantly stick up for Deku and the other kids who had weaker quirks or haven't found their quirks yet. This is what made her popular despite not having found her quirk yet like the young green haired boy nicknamed Deku she knew a bit about hand to hand combat thanks to her Family training her a few weeks ago she would show off her skills to the other kids.

"Tch whatever!" Yelled Kacchan as he turned away from the duo, the tips of his ears turning red as he knew too that he couldn't go up against Kikichan as both of her parents were heroes and were already teaching her how to be a great hero one day. Heck he even knew that some of her older brothers were even attending UA High School. Kacchan and everyone in the class were jealous of her because of it.

"It's ok Kikichan you don't have to stick up for me if you don't want to." Said the green haired as he seemed a bit worried about his friends and of course being courteous.

"What are you talking about? Just because you haven't found your Quirk yet doesn't give anyone the right to be mean to you Zuzuchan. Besides, my parents always told me to stick up for what's right because one day you never know when you'll be a hero to someone in need. Quirk or not doing the right thing is always a Hero's job, so that's why I'll always strive to do the right thing Zuzchan. So let's work hard together to become great heroes one day." Said Kikichan who smiled brightly at Zuzuchan who was called Deku by Kacchan. She held out her pinky to him to make this a promise between them.

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