Chapter 1

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*Beep beep beep beep beep beep!!!!*


Blared my alarm clock as I crushed yet another into pieces. I always hated the alarm clocks, they were Annoying as hell and I'm far from a morning person if you ask me. I'm honestly a night owl type of person and sleep is my love, I would sleep all day if my family let me.

"Ow the Fuck Mariano, Mechlor! You guys are dead!" Said my brother Keahi as I could hear him chasing down my Mariano and Melchor most likely his accomplice this time. I swear those two are always causing trouble one way or another...

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

"Wake up Kiki! I have to take you to your flight to Japan along with our cousin Rosaura! Also Pops, Nereo, and Keola are making breakfast so get your fat ass up already before our savage brothers leave you with nothing!" Yelled my oldest brother Makao through my door, being sure that I heard him.

"Ugh shut up! I'm going!" I yelled back through the door dragging myself out of bed as I groaned from being woken up far too damn early in the fucking morning in my opinion. I knew my hair was a mess as I hadn't brushed or styled it yet so I hopped into the shower and blow dried my long wavy hair that's a pain in the ass sometimes. After I was done, I placed the top half of my hair in a simple ponytail while I wore something trendy to the Hawaiian Kahului airport. Just a simple black tank-crop top, with baggy parachute pants, a black cap and white Nike tennis shoes. Since my family lives on the island of Maui, and I was already approved for my Visa to attend the prestigious school of UA. So I'll be in the care of three out of the fourteen older brothers that I have who will be staying in Musutafu, Japan, since that's the City where UA High School is located. Two of my older brothers who happen to be the youngest twins are in their 3rd year of UA High, their names are Typhoon and Cole. My 2nd oldest brother who happens to be a part of the oldest twin set is Shutome, he's Co-working with the Pro-Hero Fatgum at their agency.

Thanks to our parents being the 2nd and 3rd retired top heroes in the US, Recommendations were a sitch for me and my 14 brothers. Of course, there were still UA requirements that I needed to pass, not to brag but of course I passed them with flying colors, the #1 spot to be exact for recommendations. Not only with the help of my brothers but my mother who was an expert with the media managed to teach all of her skills including Linguistics, Mathematics, Engineering, and surprisingly dance, sharp shooting, and Combat training since she's also a retired Navy Fleet Admiral Hero, she knows Jujitsu. My father on the other hand taught us dance too, but also chemistry, cooking, and of course Combat training as well. Since he's an expert in Kickboxing, you can imagine what they taught us growing up, I'll let your imagination run wild.

"Keone let's go or we'll miss our flight!" Shouted my oldest Brother Makao who is the twin of Shutome.

"I'm going! I'm going!!!" I hollered back as I grabbed my duffel bag, three Silver suitcases, my black and White Nike sports Backpack, and of course essentials. Once I emerge from my door my brother Makao exaggerates at how long I took.

"Finally, I know you're a girl but come on eat your breakfast and we're out the door in fifteen, Shutome, Cole, and Typhoon will be waiting for you at Musutafu's main Airport got it?" Said Makao Complaining at first as he drank his coffee flavored protein shake.

"Shut you bastard! I know already, no need to rush, we still got like what? four hours...?" I ask matter of factly while rolling my eyes. I grab some waffles, eggs, and bacon before my beasts of brothers take everything for themselves. It's only 6:24 am in the morning and our flight leaves at 10:44 but most of them are either in bed still, getting ready for their hero work, or working out since 5 in the goddamn morning. Ask me how I was birthed to a family of early birds I could never tell you.

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